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"Let me get this straight," Tammy said, shuffling a bit closer to me -for some unknown reason, at the lunch table. "You spent basically the whole weekend with Luke Hemmings, aka phsyco Shirley?"

"Well yeah I guess, or no, not really the whole weekend." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"And you went with him to the forest, even though you hardly knew him?" She asked sternly, trying to work it all out.

"Yes." I said slowly, "but does it look like he brought an axe and diced me up?"

"Anything could have happened, isn't it a bit weird he wanted to meet you in a place where no one was around?" She asked.

"Maybe he just likes his privacy." I suggested.

"And what did you two do Sunday?" She asked, jesus christ she gave me more grief than my own mother.

"Just went for a drive, he brought loads of sweets and junk, it was pretty fun." I said, a smile creeping on my face.

"God damn it Yoshi you idiot, didn't your mum ever tell you about taking candy from strangers?"

I rolled my eyes, "We're hardly strangers."

"But do you really know him Yoshi? Do you know anything about him?" She lectured.

"I know his favourite colour is blue, and his favourite movie is anchor man."

"How do you even know that?" She said, knotting her eye-brows in confusion.

"I just suggested we did 20 questions or something, just to try and get to know him a bit more."

"Since when did you become a horny teenage white boy?"

"Tammy I'm not two years old, I can look after myself." I sighed, I guess Tammy was just looking out for me, I think anyway.

"Why do you even want to get to know him anyway, he's a psychopath what else do you need to know?"

"I don't know Tammy," I said truthfully, thinking about it. "I know I should hate him, I know he's, well a monster I guess? But there's just something about him, I don't know how to put it into words but I'm so intrigued my him. I want to know everything about him, he amazes me. He's just so, how do I put this nicely? Strange. Well I guess that's not very nice, but anyway. There has to be some sort of reason or background story, he's not just going to be like that. I can tell there's something he's hiding."

"He's dangerous Yoshi." She said worriedly.

"I know he is," I sighed. "But I can't help it, I don't know why I'm so drawn to him. It's like he has some sort of hold over me, and I don't know but I think I kinda like it?"

"What else happened yesterday, and don't lie to me. I may have only known you a week but I know something else happened." She said, completely ignoring my previous sentence.

"We may have kissed," I said quietly, but not quiet enough as Tammy leaped towards me slapping my arm repetitively.

"You idiot," She said loudly. "Why the heck did you do that? Are you sure it was a kiss?"

"No it was a bloody arm wrestle." I said sarcastically, "How could I be unsure if it was a kiss or not?"

"I don't know, I didn't think you were so god damn stupid." She hissed at me.

I just shrugged, "Well he was the one who brought it up, so I don't think he's planned out my murder yet."

"Or maybe he's buttering you so he can sacrifice a virgin to the devil."

"Ok firstly, I find it very rude that you would just assume I'm a virgin." I said, trying to sound offensive. "Secondly, shut the fuck up you moron."

Tammy started rambling on again, stating the most ridiculous ideas about Luke being a hardcore member of a satanic cult or something like that, although I had stopped caring about her ideas 10 minutes ago, so instead sat there in deep thought about Luke. Don't get me wrong, I could completely understand Tammy's point of view. However I may believe Luke is dangerous but in no way would I ever believe that he was part of a satanic cult. No matter how confusing and surprising he was.

"Are you not scared of him?" Tammy said, bringing me back into reality.

"Huh?" I said, missing what she said.

"Luke? Are you not scared of him?" She asked again.

"Why would I be scared of Luke Hemmings?" I said, acting like I was fearless. Even though I honestly wasn't scared of Luke.

"Maybe you should be, I heard he's pretty mental." A voice came behind me.

I suppose it was pretty lucky I wasn't scared of Luke, or else I'd be shaking in my boots right now. A bit like Tammy was.

"Really? From what I know he's a bit of a fanny." I replied back, turning my head to side the look up at him while he stood next to our table holding a piece of triangle shaped cardboard-or as the school described it, 'pizza'.

Luke invited himself and took a seat on the table, on the opposite side to me and Tammy. Tammy sat there gawking, like she had never seen Luke before and that he was in fact a myth told by them parents to scare their kids before they go to bed.

"Tammy, you realise I'm not going break your skull against the table right?" He said, looking up from the shitty greasy piece of cardboard, clearly fed up of her stares.

She went to answer him but instead stopped and turned from me.

"You know, I just remembered I have to go see Mrs Allen about some homework due in tomorrow, I'll catch up with you later Yoshi." She quickly said before rushing off through the hall.

"Bye Tammy," Luke said, putting his hand up and waving while putting on a really high pitched girly voice.

One thing I did know about Luke was that he was very sarcastic, not as sarcastic as me however. Not that it was a competition or anything.

"You realise she is genuinely scared of you, right?" I informed him, taking a bite of my apple.

"Who isn't?" He shrugged, "Oh I know Yoshi Kaiser, because she thinks she's hard as nails."

"Or because I know deep down you're just a little harmless kitten who tries to look like some punk ass boy covered in tats?" I shot back, raising my one eye brow in amusement.

I knew Luke hated the fact the he didn't scare me, I could tell that Luke got a small kick from the knowledge that everyone feared him, that's why he found it so annoying that I wasn't scared of him. However it didn't annoy him enough to make him stay away for me or break my limbs.

He rolled his eyes, "whatever."

"You know I'm right Lucas," I smirked.

He groaned, "I told you not call me that, I hate that name."

"Well be grateful you don't share your name with a cartoon dinosaur."

My Sweet Escape • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now