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  "What are you doing here?" A sleepy voice answered the door. Luke was stood shirtless with half over the door covering him in a pair of grey jogging bottoms. Look at his face Yoshi, look at his face.

"I bought you ice cream to cheer you up," I said holding up a tub of chocolate ice cream and grinning before I pushed passed him.

"Why do I need cheering up?" He asked, rubbing his eyes obviously he had only woke up.

I shrugged, "I don't know just after yesterday you seemed like you needed some company." I wandered off into the kitchen, grabbing two spoons. "Anyway, are you going to question the reasons for free chocolate ice cream?"

He chuckled, before starting to walk back upstairs while I followed with the ice cream and spoons in my hands.

"Are you home alone?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.

"As always, they're rarely here. Just pop in time to time." He replied, "Not that I'm complaining."

I sat next to him on his bed, both our backs against the walls. Flipping open the ice cream I dug my spoons in while Luke did the same. "So why are you really here?" he asked.

"Am I not allowed to see if you're is okay?"I replied, he just shrugged again.

"Guess I'm just not use to people checking if I'm okay," He said smiling sadly. I smiled back sympathetically.

"Well at least now you have an annoying best friend to keep you company," I said ruffling his hair. He squatted my hand away and started to fix hair. What a girl. I took a scoop of ice that was too big for my mouth and tried to speak.

Luke stared at me with an eyebrow raised, "Wow, very attractive."

I winked back at him before licking the extra ice-cream from around my mouth. "You love it really."

"So, don't you get lonely living here alone?" I asked, making small talk as we ate the ice-cream.

"Yeah obviously, but you get use to it I suppose. Like you said anyway, I have an annoying best friend now." He grinned, nudging me.

"You know if you ever feel lonely or anything you can come stay over mine."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure your mum will be thrilled with you bringing home a teenage boy covered in tattoos and piercings to stay the night, every mothers dream." He laughed sarcastically.

"Actually my mum seems to have the hots for you, well that's what she informed me. Maybe it's best if you don't come over, don't want to catch you hooking up with my mum." I said, pulling a disturbed face.

"Would you blame her, I mean look at me? I'm gorgeous." He said, cheekily winking at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Dream on Hemmings,"


An hour later and we were both led side by side on the bed, both staring up at the ceiling.

"Penny for you thoughts?" I asked him, turning on my side and looking at him while he remained on his back but turned his head so he was facing me.

"Just thinking."

"About what?"


Us. Us. I didn't realise there was an us. Is there an us? I don't know. I suppose I had never really thought about mine and Luke's relationship or even how I felt about Luke. Obviously I liked him, but I've never really thought about what way I like him. I feel so comfortable with Luke, which is strange because I haven't known him long yet I've never felt this comfortable with any before.

"Us?" I replied nervously.

He started to get nervous himself, "Oh sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Oh wow this is awkward um, I meant as in friends I didn't mean to freak you out," He rambled. How did he act so intimidating all the time? He was such a dork.

"It's fine," I laughed, did he just blush?

"I just meant, do you really want to be dragged into all of this? You heard how messed up it was. I don't want you to be stuck in-between it all, it's not fair."

"What and it's fair for you?" I replied, he just remained silent. "Like you said, we're best friends now. That makes it my responsibility to make you happy."

"You don't have to you know." He smiled.

"I do, now let's start with dying your hair." I said, sitting up on the bed and dangling my legs off his bed.

"Dying my hair? I thought you said you liked it." He pouted.

"I do," I said. "But you don't and don't even try to deny it. I can tell you hate it because it resembles your brother who is everything you don't want to be. Luke you don't have to do everything to please them anymore. Do whatever the hell you want, be who you want to be."

"Well that was pretty soppy." He replied after a few seconds, I moaned and slapped his foot.

"Hey, I was trying to inspiring and consoling and shit." I groaned.

"Wow great job, you should become a therapist." He said sarcastically. Flipping him off I stood up and straightened out my blue skinny jeans, "Where are you going?"

"To get some hair dye and a film. I'm guessing your natural colours blond?" I asked.

"Yeah, I didn't realise you were being serious."


"Have you ever dyed hair before?" Luke suddenly asked, peaking out of his one eye while I applied the dye to his hair.

"Nope, but how hard can it be?" I shrugged, massaging the dye into his head.

"Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me?" He suddenly panicked.

"Too late now buddy," I laughed.

"If this messes up I swear to god I-"

"Yo Hemmo chill ya tits," I said holding my hand up to signal for him to stop speaking. "If it does mess up I'll dye my hair a colour of your choice, deal?"

"Deal," He replied and we pinky promised.

"What the fuck?"

Okay, I was wrong. I did mess. I messed up badly. Instead of his hair going from electric red to sun kissed blonde it was cotton candy pink. Pink. It's fair to say Luke was not pleased at all.

"What have you done?" He said, horror spread across his face as he looked in the mirror.

"Well you wanted to look less intimidating, and trust me, you do."  

My Sweet Escape • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now