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  "Are you sure you've got the right Luke?" I asked Tammy who was sat next to me - uninvited- on the dinner table.

"Yes." She said loudly, luckily the rest of the canteen was too loud for anyone to care.

"He just doesn't seem like that." I thought out-loud, tucking into my ham and cheese sandwich.

I know I was shitting myself when I first saw Luke, but he didn't come across as a maniac to me when I actually talked to him.

"Are you blind!" She shouted, "He looks like he's been breaking jaws since he popped out of his mother's biscuit!"

"Biscuit?" I snorted, but all she did was ignore the strange look I giving her.

"Rumour is, he was born with those tattoo's." She said seriously, in deep thought, as she looked towards the front of the hall corridor, where I spotted Luke making his way up, before looking back to me as I looked at her like the moron she is. If I was going to be bugged by someone I didn't even wan to be friends with they could have least not been someone who has the same IQ as an avocado. I noticed everyone shuffle to the side of the halls, leaving a wide entrance for Luke to walk through. I guess there must be some truth in some of the things that has escaped her mouth.

"Do you have a death wish?" She shrieked, slapping the back of my head.

"Hey," I frowned, before looking back at Luke noticing I had been watching his whole journey up the corridor like the perv I am.

"Stop looking at him you fruit-loop, he'll get angry!" She hissed.

I just ignored her, carrying looked at Luke to see if he randomly pulled out a sword and detached someone's head from their body, which of course he didn't, but also he wasn't too bad to look at either. He carried on walking up catching eye-contact with me once, but his facial expression stayed the same. He had the 'I hate everyone' look in his eyes, which I'm pretty sure mirrored the look in my eyes. Eventually he left the hall and the volume picked back up, I turned back to Tammy who was sat gawking at me.

"Oh yes, he looked like a right nutter to me, I mean, he walked up the corridor, how fucking mental, he puts Charlie Sheen to shame!" I exaggerated, waving my hands around the place before taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Wow, maybe you're just as crazy as him." She blinked, still gawking at me.

"Calm down, I looked at him not asked him if he wanted a punch-up in the boys toilet." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"You don't understand, no one in this school dares to look at Luke Hemmings for even a second." She said shaking her head. "The last person who stared at him had their jaw broken, and that was just last week."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "No seriously," She said nodding her head over to the vending machine. "Look."

I looked at the boy stood next to it, he didn't look like he was in our year, he looked like he was in the year bellow us. He uncomfortably stood next to the vending machine, his eyes puffed out and as black as the skinny jeans I was wearing, which was very black, cuts and bruises made themselves at home on his face and he was wearing this weird thing in his mouth, which I guess was to heal his broken jaw.

I looked back at Tammy knowing she proved me wrong, but I guess it was just a broken jaw, I'm sure there's worse he could do, maybe? "Just because he's had fight doesn't mean he should be carted off to coo-koo land."

"He's broke legs, arms, hands, ribs, jaws, noses, whatever he can break he does!" She said, talking to me like I was completely clueless of what a fight was.

My Sweet Escape • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now