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"What are you doing here?" Gian asked Carter. They stood there, facing each other. For the past three months, Gian would be lying if she'll say she'd never thought about him at all because the mere sight of a nail polish reminds her of Carter.

With hands in his pockets, shirt with buttons half unbuttoned, and disheveled hair, Carter could stood out wherever he goes. "I'm sipping champagne inside my plane when I remember that this is not what I have in mind when someone asked me where would I be if I could be somewhere else."

Gian chuckled rolling her eyes. "I'm serious. Why are you here? Don't you have better things to do?"

"Don't you think I'm serious?" Carter raised a brow. "I have an appointment with a very talented teacher someone recommended."

"Here?" Gian scoffed

"Yeah, she insisted." Carter casually answered "You see I want to be better at surfing so I talked to a friend who know someone who's teaching—"

Gian paused, realizing what he's talking about. "You?"

Carter grinned, "Me?" He asked pointing to himself "What about me?"

"You're the student?"

Carter chuckled, "That depends if you're the teacher." He said, "So, shall we start?"

Gian didn't move. She stood there looking at him, still couldn't believe it. "Why?"

"I told you I want to surf better." Carter said "I couldn't do that inside my plane, right? Also, I could use a good vacation after divorce and all that drama."

Gian stood there, not moving. Trying to process everything that's happening and everything he's saying.

"You can say it back now." Carter said

"W-what?" She asked, confused.

Carter grinned, "I like you." He said stepping forward "You can say it back now."

For a moment Gian was surprised, when Carter showed no sign of joking, Gian laughed. "This is ridiculous." She laughed "Yeah sure, whatever." She said walking past him

"Aren't you gonna say it back?" He yelled at her retreating back, grinning.

She looked back at him, "Don't you wanna learn to surf better?"

Carter laughed.


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