Twelve: I dont want to go

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"You're being dramatic." Gian glared at Carter while holding his wounded arm.

For the past half hour after they arrived at the place Ian instructed them to go, Carter was whining about his dislike for needles that fueled Gian's anger.

"Don't you have a needle-less option?"

Her glare intensified, "I have a gun. How about that for an option?"

Carter laughed, "That's too harsh, don't you think— aah!" He cried in pain as Gian pinned him down stripping his shirt. "As much as I want you on over me, I don't think this is the perfect time."

Gian rolled her eyes at him and continued stripping him. He strapped his feet on the bed and his other hand. "I don't know if I should be scared or turned on right now."

Gian was pulling everything she got from the store and brought what she needed beside Carter. "I will take the bullet out." She simply said "Try not to be as loud so I won't gag you." She said putting rubber gloves "You have to keep your eyes open."

Carter nodded, don't really see the point on arguing anymore when Gian is clearly on a mission. Gian poured his wound with alcohol that made him gasped, his toes curled, and his eyes shut in pain. Gian, using a tweezer pulled the bullet in seconds. Gian was not a pro when it comes to first aid, but her experience taught her enough to perform it on Carter. Not that he has a choice anyway.

It was over in a few minutes full of muffled screams and thrashing. Carter was drenched in sweat, catching his breath. Gian wiped her forehead as she leaned back on her seat after applying the gauze pad on the stitched wound. Her breath was heavy as she tilt back her head and closed her eyes.

For the longest time, she only take bullets from her own body, not anyone else's. She looked at Carter who's pale, "Don't get shot next time."

He laughed weakly. "I'll try."


"It's not hard to figure out that you're upset." Carter said leaning on the wooden railing beside Gian.

They were in a tree house, deep in the woods, he realized. Trees around them under the dark sky. It's peaceful.

Gian remained silent.

"Why are you doing this?" Carter asked. "Why did you...I mean— why..." Carter can't finish his words

"Why I agreed to be a stand in?" Gian questioned. She paused, "It's the best option for me I guess."

Carter didn't ask further about the topic and smiled turning to Gian. "If you could be somewhere else right now, where would you be?" He asked enthusiastically

Gian scoffed, then smiled. "If I'm lucky, I'd probably be 10 feet under."

Carter chuckled, surprised but tried to hide it.

"How about you?" Gian turned to him. "If you could be somewhere else right now, where would you be?"

Carter look up to the sky, started thinking. "I haven't really thought about it."

"You'd probably be in your private jet somewhere around the world drinking champagne."

Carter laughed, "I guess you're right." He agreed, "I hope you could keep me company by then."

Gian rolled her eye, "I don't think so."

"Oh right, you'd prefer being a badass, kicking someone's ass and shooting a man's brain out." He chuckled, "but it would really be great if you're sharing that champagne with me."

Gian didn't answer. She remained quite, thinking how appealing Carter's invitation is. Although she doesn't like Carter's short distance from her and the way her body reacts to it.

When she turned towards Carter, he was just facing her, their gap was now closed to inches. Their gaze locked on each other, Carter swallowed as Gian saw how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. That moment was enough to catch certain feelings into light. When Carter reached for her face, it was like Gian's walls came crumbling down. Her mind was in complete chaos as his warm hand sent tiny sparks all over her body. His lips crashing down on her like a warm embrace. She pressed her body on him, feeling every single cell of her body reacting, and surrendering to herself.

When Carter pulled back, he looked at Gian, dazed. "I'm not sorry for this." He smiled before dipping his head again. This time, it became more heated. More aggressive. Gian didn't protest, as her hand wandered down Carter's shirt button.

The moment was interrupted when Carter's phone rang. As if Gian was poured a bucket of ice cold water, she pushed Carter away and pulled herself back. Looking away, totally embarrassed. Carter blinked, trying to recover his brain from haze and sighed cursing under his breath. "Who's this?" Irritation was clear on his tone

Gian stated in front of him, curious to who's calling.

When Carter looked at her, irritation became worry. With an 'okay', he ended the call. Sighing, he looked away. "They want me back in London."

Gian nodded. When she was about the walk away, Carter spoke. "I don't want to go."

Gian stopped, didn't know what to say. Completely surprised. She slowly smiled, not turning around, "Mina turned up, didn't she?"

"We don't have to go back." Carter said pulling Gian to face him, his eyes were pleading. "We can—"

Gian smiled at Carter, stopping him. A sincere smile she didn't knew how did she mastered. "I guess my mission ends here." She slowly took away Carter's hand from her arm and walk inside.

She locked herself in the bathroom. When she looked at herself in the mirror, there were tears rolling down her cheeks. She swallowed hard, and wiped it. She stood there not knowing how long, staring at herself, her mind wandering somewhere else.

It was just her and silence with the echo of her aching heart.

And for the first time, she accept her feelings for him. Embracing it since it pained her after denying it more.

Some beginnings has an ending, and some endings are new beginnings. But sometimes, things end even before it begin.

After a few minutes, when Gian finally gathered herself together, she called David. "Send a helicopter. I'll send you the location."

She's a stand-in in someone else's life. A stand-in in someone else's marriage. She reminded herself the very reason she got herself into the job because for a moment she had forgotten.

She weakly smiled, just a stand-in. It didn't affect her before when she thought about it, now it's almost suffocating.

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