Seven: Grab some breakfast and seize the day.

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"You have a brother? I thought you're an only—" Carter stopped when he realized something "Oh right, you're not Mina."

Gian already explained to Carter the fact that Luke is Ian—her brother. Ian instantly understood why she's someone else she's not. Of course, he knows about it. Being an NSA intelligence has its perks, but their relationship is supremely kept as a secret. No one like to know that a hired killer has connections with the NSA and vice-versa. That could be the end of them both.

Ian looked at Carter, "How do you know she's—" he turned to Gian "He know?" He asked holding an ice pack on his dislocated nose. "Didn't know you're getting personal with clients."

"He figured it out himself." Gian simply answered. "Why are you here anyway? Seriously? Michel's boyfriend? Of all people, does it has to be my crazy neighbor? Also, why are you out here? Aren't you supposed to be behind a screen?"

Ian nodded. "First of all, I'm her driver— but of course I can't blame her if she wanted me—

Gian sharply looked at Ian while Carter chuckled pouring everyone a drink. That earned Carter a look from Gian too. "I actually agree with him." He defended

"Second, yes, it has to be her." Ian added

Carter gave Ian and Gian a glass of cognac which they accepted, "Why?" Gian sat on the bed taking a sip of her drink, across her was Carter on a single couch and Ian leaning on the wall. 

"I'm on a mission." Ian simply answered

Carter looked at Gian with questioning look, "You're like her?" He asked Ian

Ian scoffed, "If you mean brutal and pretentious?You're wrong." He smirked at his sister whose dangerously looking at him. "If you mean, working dangerously. You're right, although my specialty is with computers." He said raising his glass to Carter knowing he just discussed to him his personal information. "I'm not really a fan of violence unless necessary."

"You're on a mission." Gian repeated her brother's words. "Does your mission involve Carter?" Carter's ears perked at the mention of his name and he turned to Ian.

Ian sighed, "You know I can't tell you things like that."

Gian nodded, "Of course." She smiled knowingly "Although, if a bullet is after Carter, it has to go through me first."


"I know! I know!" Gian held her hands in surrender. "I shouldn't have brought that up, but all I need is a name." She said with dismay "But I completely get it. You don't have to do it. You don't have to tell me."

She hung her head. Carter looked at them back and forth not knowing what to say. Ian looked like he was conflicted and having an internal debate.

Gian started counting from 5...4...3...2...

"Fine!" Ian surrendered "Yes, I'm watching Carter." He said "But this conversation never happened."

Carter was surprised by the admission. Gian smirked   victoriously, lifting her head. That's what she thought. Of course, Michel was the perfect spot for Ian since she's a neighbor. "What are you talking about? All I heard was 'sharks'" Gian laughed

"By who's command?" Carter asked. Ian and Gian looked at him, for the first time he seemed interested in the topic of his safety.

Gian wondered the same as her eyes trailed back to her brother. Ian shrugged, "I don't know."

That night, Gian was thinking of possibilities that could happen. She has a hunch that Gregor Ayala has something to do with everything, but she needs proof. Profiling people is one Gian's past time, and Gregor Ayala doesn't really match the description David gave him.

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