Chapter 5: Ascenders

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Spirit Essences, the so-called 'Foundation' of all abilities acquired by the user. They were the weapons within all 'human souls' of Gaia and were the reason people were innately born with a 'Class'.

Let us take a look at Arthur's 'stats' as an example:
{Spirit Essence- Rainwing Backsword:
• Innate Ability- Gaia Affinity
Spell Slots- (Foundational Attribute- Light), Dark, Blood,
Body Slots- Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning
Common Class- Sword Warrior:
• Class Skill- Sword Talent
• Class Skill- Slash Sharpening}

These kind of non-observable 'stats' were abnormal among people of Gaia... excluding Arthur, who somehow attained two more Spell Slots even the strongest Ranker to ever exist in human history!!!

In fact, Alex wasn't sure of the true limits of Arthur's power despite his knowledge of magic. He was only sure the drawback would be that this immense power would be difficult to use in application.

This was especially true in terms of Magic Skills or Sword Skills of this world... and this made sense to him. 'Magic Pathways' could be consciously used to exude Mana, but muscles were a different matter.

It was exactly like how humans couldn't consciously tap into adrenaline or their highest physical exertion. This limitation was solely dependent on the danger of each situation. How much they trained.

Even the Crown Prince, a man of the Royal Family of the Ruling Kingdom of Lancia; the one who inherited the strongest kind of 'Force Formula' in the entire Human Empire, didn't know what would have happened if he had seriously fought Arthur himself.

This was especially true without using the royal family's signature 'force manipulation' magic. His confidence waned at the prospect of battle. One could say he was being realistic than prideful.

Even in the entire five kingdoms that made up the Human Empire, there were few who could make Drake feel this way. This was just how keen his eyes were when it came to the strength of others.

Despite the heavy restriction he put on the brawny youth, Drake remembered the strong exertion of magical strength he needed to maintain his seal on him. This amount of effort was a first for him...

"I guess freaks travel together..." Was the only answer Drake could come up with regarding the Warrior's unreal physical strength. He wondered just how Alex had enhanced a mere 'Commoner'.

Was it some kind of secret experiment? He was sure such knowledge would be useful in war, but decided against pissing the Arcanist off. Nothing was worth offending such a rich man with unknown authority...

Drake convinced himself that he wasn't fearful of Arthur: The foolish brute of a Common Class Sword Warrior. It would damage his pride if it was the truth. He was a Crown Prince. He couldn't be fearful.

Would Drake lose in close-combat? It was just a speculation, but still something he wondered quite a bit despite having more natural innate talent the swordsman he encountered not too long ago.

You could even say that he wouldn't be able to believe that someone could overcome the naturally formed 'barrier' between those who were prodigies and those who just happened to be a bit talented...

In his personal office in the Royal Palace, Drake seemed listless and lacking in energy. Playing with glowing sapphire marble in his hand, it radiated a mixture of golden and blueish hue. Converging light.

This magical gem was a one of the few 'gifts' given to him by the gentlemanly Cultist. The price in return for was gaining his, the future ruler's, favour and support to resist against the Luminous Church.

A Cult should very well be 'Evil' no matter how one saw it. They SHOULD'VE been a fanatical group he'd have to put a stop to... However, Drake was keeping his intentions unclear and allowing them opportunity. Something his father would disapprove.

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