Chubby Bunny

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Firestar: GUYS! Guess what! We're doing the chubby bunny challenge!

Cloudtail: OOO! Does that mean we eat as many fat rabbits as we can?

Firestar: Nope! It means we take these delicious two-leg food things called marshmallows, and see how many we can fit into our mouths! I'll start... *shoves one in mouth* CHUBBY BUNNY! *adds another* CHUBBY BUN- *chews and swallows the two before eating the rest of the bag* oops, good thing we have another bag.

Cloudtail: My turn! *fits 4 in mouth* MMMMYMMFFY!

Squirrelflight: I'll try. *manages to get 3 in before spitting them out* wow, those would be good pie toppings.

Jayfeather: I got dis. *crams 8 into mouth* MMBYBMMMY! *spits* I believe I won!

Berrynose: Not so fast, Jay! *slowly fits 17 in his jaw* CHUBBY BUNNY.

Thunderclan: :O

Rest of clans: :O

Starclan: :O he'll be joining us soon, the idiot.

Firestar: Are you...even fully cat? Are you part snake?

Daisy: HEY! What are you saying?, nothing.

Berrynose: *still has marshmallows in mouth* MMMFMYMMMN? MM?

Firestar: Wut?

Berrynose: *somehow swallows them* Do I win?

Firestar: Yes Berrynose, you win. You can have first pick of freshkill tonight.


The whole forest: :I

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