Spoof... idk

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Firestorm- *leading around some random cat* So this WAS the  ultimate, totally legit, super real contraption that I use to make it stop being cold... but Icestone fell on it... It totally wasn't my fault. She was supposed to fall in a different place when I pushed her and-

Icestone- ...Firestorm... Who's this?

Firestorm- oh this is some random cat that was lurking around our borders. It's okay tho. He said he's not a rogue. 

Icestone- okay... *mutters* thats not suspicious at all...

Icestone- Anyways... What's your name... not-a-rogue?

not-a-rogue- Blazeclaw. But that's not why i'm here *pushes little blue pouch towards Icestone* This is for you

Icestone- *pokes pouch*

*pouch explodes covering Icestone is a bright blue dye*

Icestone- OH MY GOD *flails*

Firestorm- Well..... you did talk about dying your fur blue.

Icestone- *continues flailing* *screeches*

*Blazeclaw and Firestorm slowly back away*

Icestone- *still sounds like a dying whale*

*45684 minutes later*

Icestone- *Yelling something about blue not matching her shoes. Also sounds like a giraffe being murdered* 


Jayfeather- *grumbling* What is that horrible screeching noise?!?!? It's giving me a heada- *runs into a tree*


Some say to this very day... you can still here Icestone screeching.




Love you Icestone ;)


Dedicated to- acreeperkiller04

sorry for the delay ;)

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