Library Computer

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"How are you today Midoriya." Aizawa routinely asked.

Izuku answered with the same monotone responce. "Fine."

"You've improved faster than we could have predicted."


Aizawa nodded. "The nurses and I."

"Oh. I don't know what you mean by improve. Do you mean my right arm?" Izuku gestered to his right arm, which was now free of casts.

"Well you're right arm suffered only a sprained elbow. That's why it doesn't require a cast after two weeks. Still, make sure not to overdo it." Aizawa removed the bandages around Izuku's stomach and placed it on a metal round desk. "This might hurt a bit."

Izuku clenched his teeth as Aizawa tightly wrapped a fresh roll of  bandages on Izuku's open flesh. 'Thank God I can use my right arm now. It was difficult eating with my left hand.'

"Ah I didn't finish my train of thought." Aizawa spoke, still wrapping Izuku. "I meant your mental health. I don't hear you crying about your parents anymore."

'He could hear me?!' Ever since he had embarrassingly broke down in front of Uraraka, he had cried almost every night, wailing about his parents. "U-uh I mean-"

"It's nothing to be ashamed about."

Izuku shyly nodded. "I've been trying to move on. My parents would definitely be sad if they saw me all depressed over their... So I want to do all I can to make them happy even in the future!" He flashed a bright smile.

Aizawa's mouth widenned a bit and he nodded. "They would be proud of you kid."

'No way! Doctor Aizawa smiling?! Impossible. If the nurses saw this face they would all pass out! Now that I think about it... does he have a family?' Izuku pondered. "Hey Doctor Aizawa-"

"It's all thanks to the Uraraka girl right?"

'Huh? Where did that come from?' Izuku turned away and lied, "I- I don't know what you mean."

"Midoriya." Aizawa turned to Izuku, his face completely serious. "Don't hang out with her. I've warned you before; it'll be more harm than necessary."

'I mean... she's the one who keeps hanging out with me... It's not like I want to.' Izuku looked at Aizawa to state his thoughts. "It's not like I want to hang out with her. She keeps intruding into my life."

Aizawa stared for one more moment and dropped his gaze. He sighed, "Well whatever. Nothing's going to happen for now anyway." Aizawa got up to leave. "Need anything else?"

Izuku started to shake his head no when he remembered the conversation at the cafeteria. '"I have cornary artery disease." Why did she look so hesitant when saying that? I need to know. Ah it's not like I care about her though. I'm just curious.'

Izuku smiled and polietly asked, "May I have access to the internet?"

"Let's see... cornary artery disease... chest pains... increased chance for heart attack... doesn't seem that serious." Izuku sighed and leaned back on his wheelchair. What was he doing? 'First use of both of my hands were taken by that harlot.' It was agonizing to think that she was ruining his life even when she wasn't there.

He continued to scroll through pages when something caught his eye, "Hm? Treatable by surgery?" Izuku put a hand to his chin to think. 'Was that why she was scared? Cause she was scared of a little surgery?' Izuku put on a very smug face. 'She's only a little brat after all! I mean that's what I expect from a 15 year old girl.'

Right there, Izuku was almost proud to have triumph against a 15 year old girl. He raised his arms in celebration and started to celebrate in his mind. 'Its over... I won against that demon!'

'Well-' Izuku thought back to Uraraka comforting him. '-She wasn't that bad.' However, something felt wrong. A nagging sensation gnawed at the back of his mind, but he wasn't quite able to put a finger on it.

"Oh if it isn't the mongrel, Izuku himself."

'Eek. I only know one person who calls me mongrel. It's that bitch-' Izuku turned to meet Uraraka's face, 'Ochako Uraraka!'

"Uggh. Not you again." Izuku groaned. "Why do you seem to appear wherever I go?"

"Cause I love you?"


Uraraka started to giggle and pointed at Izuku. "Hey don't tell me you believed it? C'mon now."

Izuku only grumbled as he tried to calm his flustered self. "So what brings you to the library your majesty? Come again to bother me?"

"Nope! Here to use the computers and check out a few books. This IS the library you know."

"Oh? Never thought of you as a reader." 'Thought you were illiterate you harpy.'

"I'm not. But we got new books and there's one I AM interested in." Uraraka glanced at a library cart and her entire face lit up. "There it is!"

'Oh? What kind of books does she like? Romance? That would be unexpected.' Instead, Uraraka picked up a book that titled, 'Curses and Voodoo Dolls; For Beginners'.

"This is the book I wanted!" Uraraka cheerfully exclaimed.

Izuku took a big gulp and slowly asked, "Hey Uraraka? Y-you're not going to actually use the book right? And if you are it won't be on me right?"

Uraraka blankly stared at him and laughed. "Of course not Izuku! I would never!" Her face inched closer, and her tone turned evil. "Of course, if I were too use the book, you would be my first vict- I mean exploratory partner."

"You were totally going to say victim!"

Uraraka giggled and peered over Izuku's shoulder. "So? What are you doing on the internet? Watching porn?"

"Hardy har har Uraraka very funny-" Izuku stopped and realized what tab he had open. He quickly closed the window and looked back at Uraraka. "It's not as if I was-"

Izuku halted to a stop when he saw a pained expression on Uraraka. There was some other expressions too. Izuku's hesitation seemed to awaken Uraraka from her trance and she faked a laugh, "Hahaha it's okay... Why wouldn't you be interested in my condition? Yeah it's totally natural... Totally..."

Uraraka fake laugh became more and more strained, as if she was holding back tears- or was it pain? "Bye now Izuku. I'll catch you later. Hahaha..."

Uraraka ran off leaving Izuku alone. "Hey you forgot your... book." He called out, with no one to hear. 'That was... weird to say the least. It was out of character of her.' Izuku glanced down at the book. "What do I do with this?"

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