It was a war in the courtyard. 6-pound cannons hitting the lawn. Making the loudest noises. I was scared. But I couldn't be. I had to show them that being a woman has nothing to do with the war. Or lacking the strength of a man. I had to show them that I can be brave. I, however, lost all hope today. Including my home, my friends, and my family. The RedCoats have Raided my home. Ripped away the only part of me I had left. My mother was brave. My father was a war hero. My sister was kind-hearted. And my Aunt was fearless. And I myself, was free-spirited and willing to fight for my freedom if it is the last thing I do. I will not let filthy royalty determine the way I live my life.

I changed out of my dirt-covered dress, and into my father's old clothing. I sewed it up to fit me and grabbed as many weapons as I could find. A pocket knife I could hide in my pouch, a dagger to hide in my boot, and hatchet, a musket to carry, and a pistol to hold in my belt. All I could bear to think was 'how on earth am I supposed to serve my country if they won't allow women.' I never thought about joining a militia but it may be a better option. There is no way in hell I will fight against the people I have lived with through the 17 years of my life.

I heard footsteps. Down the spiral-bound stairs, and through the door. It was another raider. I slowly and quietly went out of my bedroom door and to the top of the stairs. He was rummaging through a chest of my fathers. Mostly just old books and parchment. But nothing of value. I hope. I pointed my pistol just above his head. Not enough to kill him, but just enough to scare him. I pulled the trigger and just as fast as the bullet came from the barrel, he was gone. Carrying anything he could in his wagon. 

Ha. Jokes on him. Nothing he grabbed was valuable. I heard another horse just outside. I looked out the window and saw another soldier. Bluecoat this time. He was walking up to the door. I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed more gunpowder and ammunition for my gun. I sat my bag down along with my other belongings, and hid behind a door in the guest room. I made out more footsteps near the door. I saw the blue coat come in. He was looking out the window at the battle in our crop field.

I was going to step out and shoot him. But another set of footsteps sounded at the door. The blue coat turned back to see the other man. They seemed to be related. At this point, there were two horses outside. Probably with more ammunition, food, and water. I, being a naive soldier, stepped out from behind the door and aimed my gun. I said quietly but firmly "Turn around slowly or I will shoot." They both turned around and saw what they were dealing with. The older man spoke first. "We are colonials. Not red coats." I looked at their jackets and nodded "Clearly." 

They both chuckled a little bit and the younger one stated "You seem to not be too fond of the king. Am I correct?" I put the gun down and put it back in my belt. I felt like I could trust these men. I started grabbing my pack and my other weapons and said "Not very fond at all. He took my family away from me. So I am going out for revenge." The younger one stated again "War is no place for a beautiful woman like yourself. It is too dangerous." I scoffed and said "They took everything from me! My home is now destroyed. There is nowhere else for me to go than war. If you would like to join me, I am going to find a militia. Or go the distance and join the regulars. I have no place in this home any longer. Good day to you." I gave them a nod and made my way down the stairs.

I heard their footsteps following me. The young soldier spoke "I never caught your name miss." I turned back around and said blatantly "Delilah Gravingston." He gave another nod and walked out of the house. The soldier said catching up to me "Delilah. What a beautiful name. Well, anyway! Please, come with us to our house. We can get you the supplies you need and you can be on your way." I considered and I said back "May I know your name first?" He smiled and said "Yes of course. My name is Gabriel and this is my Father, Benjamin. Martin." I said "It's a pleasure. Let me fetch my horse and I will meet you back out here?" He nodded and said "We will be here."

I walked around the back of my house to the barn where my sleek black horse named Nelly stood strong in her stall. She must have heard everything that had happened. Nelly was my best friend. We lived in a very secluded area with very little people around. So I was mostly sticking with my sister or Nelly. I put the saddle on her back and tightened it. I climbed up on her back and put my feet in the holders. I kicked open the door and I rode out to the front of the house.

Gabriel noticed I was back and they mounted their horses. I smiled and said "You lead the way." They nodded at each other and they set off. I followed behind them as we made our way to the destination. I stayed close behind them fearing the RedCoats. They were malicious creatures.


Hi! What do you guys think of Chapter 1? I am really excited to get this story going! I guess you could call this a fam-fiction because I did have intentions of having Gabriel being Heath Ledger and all. But I guess this is also a Historical Fiction because it is about the Revolutionary War and everything... ANYWAY! Thanks for reading if you did!!


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