4: Swimming

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They are not of good intentions.


After reliving the horror of finding out the tattoo had matched the same symbol on the persons armor, Koana and Max finally made it to the town where the old mine used to be. They talked a bit more on the way here, mostly freaking out and questioning why the symbol appeared on Max's hand. Max tried to read some more of the words but no more translated themselves. She also found out that when she tried using her phone to help translate, the words would somehow magically shift around and change appearance, as if refusing to be read unless wanting to be. On the things to have a mind of its own, a robot would come into thought, not an ancient paper filled book.

So much of this was happening so fast Max almost felt dizzy when she hopped out of the car. She leaned against it slightly with a hand on her hip, taking in deep breaths. Koana stretched hugely from the other side of the car, making sure she got every muscle. After a moment she came around the car and saw Max looking unwell.

"Hey girl, you doing okay?" She came up and put a hand on Max's shoulder.

Max nodded and stood straight, "Yeah. Just a lot to take in."

"Understand. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find something useful here. If not, we can continue having a relaxing girls trip, sound good?" Koana smiled brightly at her while Max nodded again in agreement, grateful for her friends positivity.

"There are some small stores down here by the looks of it. Where should we start?" Koana asked, looking around while Max dug into her backpack. She brought out some pamphlet and unfolded it a few times, straightening it out so the map was visible in front of them both. Koana leaned over to look at it while she did so.

Max pointed to one of the buildings up the path a ways. "Museum. They've gotta have some sort of information on who lived here in the past and where."

"You're right. Let's go." Koana led the way as Max followed next to her, looking through some of the old town shops, with their unique tourists gifts. There was old timey coffee and food places and lots of people walking around. It was a popular attraction to go to some old abandoned mine town that was turned into a tourists location. People just found history like this fascinating and Max didn't blame them one bit. Being such a historic nerd her entire life, doing things like this is what she wants to do one day and study them. Just like her parents used to, before, well before this whole demon thing.

They walked further up the path until they reached an averaged sized house with a wooden sign that said "G. Fray's Museum". Max opened the creaky door and let Koana in, following her as they met up with some man standing right by the entrance inside.

He smiled as they walked in and the girls returned it respectfully, he was a much older man with white hair. No bald spots though so lucky him for aging well. "Welcome in, I hope you ladies are having a good day so far visiting."

"We are, thank you." Koana smiled, while Max took a brief glance around. It was definitely an old house used as a museum, it smelled like pine too, it was nice.

There were things placed all around on tables, mostly jewelry in cases or books and ornaments. Furniture was pressed up against the walls on several rooms to make walking around easier and the light color of pastel blue on the walls made the whole view of the place seem calm and delicate. Much like the items stored here.

"Would you girls care for a tour or looking for anything specific?" The old man asked.

Koana looked at him with bright eyes, "A tour? Really? How much?"

The old man chuckled, "Oh no dear I'll give it to you for free. I enjoy talking about these things more than taking money. This place is meant for education, and I hope to pass that on to young folks like you."

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