Setting the Dark on Fire: Chapter 8

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New Character, bear with me :]


Silas P.O.V.


I awoke, panting, to the sound of a loud growl.

There was no one around.

I suppose i woke myself up.

Relaxing a bit, I managed to retract my fangs.

Just as i stood from the bed Seiko barged into my room.

"Silas, what happened?" she exclaimed.

She was wearing a tight pink sweater, a knee length black skirt and black heels. And as always, the antique pearl choker I got her for her twenty-fifth birthday was adorned around her neck.

“Nothing,” I stated.

I would’ve fooled her if I hadn’t immediately opened the mini fridge in my nightstand, pulled out a bottle of vodka, and took about five chugs.

“Did you have that dream again?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said as I put the bottle back in the mini fridge and slammed it shut.

Having been by my side since she was sixteen, Seiko knows when I don’t want to talk about something.

“Can we get going already?” she asked softly.

I wanted to tell her to get the hell out of my hotel room; I’ve had migraines all week and just wanted relax. I’ve always found it hard to say no to her or upset her, being her maker and all.

She and I were finally allowed to go back to the royal castle after being banned for twelve years.

Since Seiko is still very young, twenty-nine years old, twelve years must seem like a long time for her. But when you’ve lived for more than ninety years everything goes by so fast, it’s a blur.

“Well, we don’t have any appropriate clothing.” I said.

Her face lit up immediately.

“Shopping?” she asked excitedly.

“Shopping,” I nodded.

“Yes!” she yelled in enthusiasm.

“We’re leaving in five. It’s getting late.” I called out as she left my room.

“I’ll call the driver!” she yelled through my now closed door.

I didn’t need to pack anything, really. I always left everything in my suitcase neatly organized. I hastily changed from my boxers into black dress pants, black leather dress shoes, white dress shirt, and a light gray blazer.

I picked up my suitcase and left my room.

I walked over to Seiko’s room and leaned against the side of the door.

Closing my eyes for a minute I thought about the dream again.

I was making my way to the castle from somewhere else, when all of a sudden I heard some growling that sounded distinctively vamperic along with some pleading cries.

Normally, I would have minded my own business but my body was acting on its own.

Before I knew it I was full on sprinting.

As soon as the little shack where the noises came from came into view I was hit by a scent so alluring my fangs protracted right then and there. 

I kept moving forward. I slammed open the small door and stormed in.

Right away I knew who the vampire was.

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