HeartBroken/Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As the clock's hands crept closer to midnight, the five companions gathered around the crackling campfire, their faces illuminated by the dancing flames. The kit, a nimble and agile rogue with a knack for unlocking secrets, sat with his legs crossed, his gaze intent as he sharpened his dagger. Beside him, the monk, a master of martial arts and meditation, sat serenely, his eyes closed in contemplation. Across from them, the priestess, a devout follower of an ancient faith, chanted softly under her breath, her hands clasped together in prayer. The demon slayer, a seasoned warrior with a haunted past, leaned back against a tree, her arms crossed over her chest. A half-demon sat perched on a sturdy tree branch in the ethereal twilight, where the world seemed to breathe in a hushed whisper. His golden eyes, usually filled with mischief and delight, were now veiled with a distant look as he lost himself in contemplation.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, the wind rustled through the leaves, creating a gentle melody that seemed to accompany his musings. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, memories, and uncertainties. He had lived a turmoil and adventure marked by triumphs and heartbreaks.

At this moment, as he sat perched on the tree branch contemplating his future, the weight of his past and the uncertainty of what lay ahead pressed upon his heart.

The air was thick with anticipation and unease. They had journeyed long and far, following a treacherous path to this sacred clearing. As night descended upon the forest, they knew that the moment of truth was fast approaching. Their mission was dangerous and noble: confronting an ancient evil that threatened to engulf the world in darkness.

As the dying embers of the fire cast long shadows across the clearing, the four companions exchanged knowing glances. They knew their challenges would be formidable, but they were prepared to face them together.

The Next Night

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the forest, Inuyasha excused himself from the campfire. He left the tree without a word, leaving his companions behind. They watched as he disappeared into the shadows, a sense of unease settling in their hearts.

Hours passed, and Inuyasha did not return. The others finished their meal in silence, their minds preoccupied with worry. Unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong, Kagome rose. "I'm going to look for him," she announced, her voice trembling.

Kagome ventured into the forest, her heart pounding in her chest. She called out Inuyasha's name, but there was no answer. The trees whispered menacingly, and the darkness closed in on her. Fear gnawed at her, but she pressed on, determined to find him.

As she searched, Kagome stumbled upon a clearing. In the center of the clearing, she saw a figure standing motionless. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized it was Inuyasha.

Kagome's POV:

Determined to uncover the truth, I ventured into the dense shadows of the forest, guided by a mix of trepidation and a desperate need for answers. My senses were heightened as I navigated the familiar paths, the moonlight casting eerie shadows upon the ancient trees. As I delved deeper into the forest, the air grew heavy with an unfamiliar presence. It was a potent mix of spiritual energy and demonic aura that sent shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, the sound of voices, carried by the gentle breeze, reached my ears. My heart pounded in my chest as I cautiously approached the source of the sound, my fingers trembling around the hilt of my sword. Behind a veil of foliage, I witnessed a sight that shattered my heart into a million pieces. Inuyasha stood before me, his arms wrapped around Kikyo, a priestess with whom he had a complicated past.

The Way You look~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon