2. Sticky Notes (Chen)

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Good morning!
Have a nice day and don't forget to smile :)

Says the sticky note posted on your locker. The note is always closed with a queer symbol that looks like number 8 and mirrored 'c' combined to form a heart.

It's been two months since you broke up with your boyfriend who cheated on you. You lost all hope and belief in love ever since. A month after you broke up, you always find a sticky note on your locker. At first, it terrified you because it feels like you're being stalked. But after a few times, you get used to it. Besides, you know that whoever writes it means no harm. His notes never threaten you; instead, they always cheer you up.

You take the note off of your locker and smile reading it.
"What's that?"
A head suddenly pops over your shoulder from behind. His eyes try to read the note.

"Omo!" You quickly hide the note. "Ya! You scared me to death!" You slap his arm.

His unique laughter greets your ears. His eyes form crescents. He's Kim Jongdae, your best friend since forever and till forever. He's a very caring friend and a troll at his best. He always teases you about the mysterious writer though you never show him the notes.

After class, you go to the university's library to find references for your research paper. After a few hours your eyes start to get heavy. You try to wake yourself but only find yourself getting sleepier every second. You finally give in to slumber.

After half an hour, you wake up rubbing your eyes. You stare at your laptop screen for a couple of seconds before you realize that you're still in the library. You quickly take your phone to check the time. 5.30 it says. You then tidy up your things and close your laptop. There you find a cup of caramel macchiato from your favorite cafe placed behind your laptop with a note sticking onto it. You take the the drink and the note.

Don't work too hard.
Here's to refresh your energy! ;D

The note says ended with the usual symbol. You smile from ear to ear.

How does he know my favorite drink?You think.

His notes always brighten your day, but this time it feels a bit different. This simple note somehow makes your heart skips a beat.

You walk to your locker and take your bag. You walk away a few steps from it, but then you stop and turn around. You take out a sticky note and a pen.

Thank you for the drink! :D

You write. You feel like that is the right thing to do.

The next day, you walk to the locker excitedly expecting to see his note as a reply to yours. You know that he always posts his note everyday, but it feels different today. You are expecting it more than anything. And there it is. His reply.

You're most welcome ;)
Have a great day today!

You smile widely and write another reply:

Have a great day too!

You post it on your locker for him to read. Every day you exchange notes with him. The messages written on the notes are always short and simple, but every word he writes is engraved in your heart.

You and Jongdae are hanging out in your favorite cafe when the waitress suddenly gives you a cinnamon roll - your favorite! - with a sticky note attached on the plate. You ask the waitress who gives it, but he refuses to reveal the sender.

A sweet treat for someone sweet.

The note reads ended with the symbol. You giggle reading it.

EXO OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon