Chapter Eight: Back to Earth

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And he was Pink Diamond.

"Steven, why do you think that?" Garnet questioned, her voice had an edge to it. "Whatever the Diamonds told you, they're wrong."

"They just treated me like Pink," Steven said with a forced shrug.

"You're not her," Garnet told her. She put her hand on his shoulder and, with her other, pointed to his stomach. White tensed at the gesture, and Steven's body responded. He drew his knees in tighter, as if Garnet had just lunged at him to lift his shirt.

The fusion raised her eyebrows, but didn't question the behavior. "It must have been terrible," she said after a moment. "Being separated from your gem."

Steven nodded once. The movement was jerky, almost like a novice puppeteer was trying to find the right string to move.

"At least I know who I am now," Steven mumbled into his knees.

Garnet's lips pursed at this and concern flooded into her face.

"Pink Diamond made a choice," she said. "She wanted to be Rose Quartz. You have a choice too: more than she ever did. You're half human. You can grow and change and choose what your future is going to be."

"Can you tell me what it's going to be?" White asked, through Steven's mouth.

Garnet smiled small at him, her brow furrowing in regret. "Oh Steven," she breathed out as she pulled him closer to her. "You know I can't. Your future is an endless stream of possibilibilites, each as likely as the next."

Steven pulled away from her slightly. He desired the comfort, but White was disgusted by the touch of a fusion.

Garnet, however, took her free hand and cupped his chin. She gently lifted his face to look at hers.

"I do know this," she said lightly. "Steven Cutiepie Quartz Universe, your future is yours to decide. And no matter what you decide, it's going to be okay."

Steven stayed looking into Garnet's soft eyes for a moment more. He tried to plead with her, to tell her that he wasn't okay, that she was wrong and they all were in danger, but such a message couldn't be conveyed through an expression that refused to budge. He did feel one tear roll down his cheek before his body pulled itself out of Garnet's grasp.

The fusion sighed and stood. "When you want to talk about it, we'll be here for you."

She walked back to the helm without glancing back at him. As she did, a painful pang lurched to life in Steven's chest. One that caught White's interest. He felt her disdain and heard her scoff.

"Of course you care for a fusion."

Steven nearly jumped out of his skin at her voice. It was faint, like a whisper in the wind, but it was there. It floated on top of the waves of emotions she sent his way.

"And of course she cares for you. You pitied her. Took her in. Just as you do for all lesser life forms."


The pang in his chest turned into a slow burn as he processed her words. Garnet was twice the gem White would ever be. She was stronger, kinder, and the type of leader everyone wanted. Steven felt nothing but lucky to have her on his side.

"And she will be nothing once your colony is completed. Not unless you stop fighting me."

Steven's head dropped and met his knees as he curled up into a tight ball. He felt a hand on his shoulder, but didn't bother to look to see who it was. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't even warn them. He just felt useless. Empty. Like being Steven didn't matter anymore, because being himself is what got them all into this mess. If he hadn't tried to save them, the Diamonds would never have known. If he hadn't been so compliant, then maybe they would have a chance.

"Now Steven," White cooed softly, but her tone was far from genuine. "You mustn't blame yourself. It's Pink's doing. We're just playing her game."

And for once, Steven agreed with her. Garnet said it herself. Without Pink, none of this would be happening. If Garnet had known, then the Crystal Gems would still be happy. Pink would have found another way to save them. So why wasn't she now?

"We're home," Pearl said after an agonizingly long time.

Steven lifted his head and Lars, who had been the one trying to comfort him, helped him to his feet. Lars noticed how tense Steven was and how his hand didn't move from over his gem, but he too brushed it off as a form of trauma from it being removed earlier. Once Steven was ready, he and Lars would talk about what happened in space. But now clearly wasn't the time.

The ship landed on the shore of Beach City, near Steven's home. Greg was waiting on the shore, his hands clasped over his chest as he watched the door slide open.

"STEVEN!" The man ran over and embraced his son tightly. "Thank goodness you're okay!" Steven had to fight the urge to push his dad away and instead let his emotions act for him. He needed this, more than anything in the world. He needed it so much that the chain White tried to put on his arms shattered the moment they touched his skin.

Steven's arms wrapped around his dad as he buried his face into his chest and let out a quiet sob.

"Come on, let's get him inside," Garnet said. She wasted no time and ushered both Steven and his dad into the home. "Greg, watch over him. We need to make a plan."

"A plan?" Greg gasped out, startled. "For what?"

"The Diamonds," Steven whispered. He pulled away from his dad and ignored White's protest. "Dad, I need to tell you something." Panic rose in his chest as he felt White clawing at his throat, trying to silence him. Her cold grasp wound around his mind and his thoughts chilled over, barely able to form.

"What is it, Shtuu-ball?"

"White Diamond...she...," but he couldn't get it out.

"It's okay, Steven," Greg said. He gently patted his hair and drew the boy close again. "Whatever happened up there, we'll get through it."

"You deserve to know the truth," Pearl said, quietly. "Greg, Rose wasn't what she seemed. She was Pink Diamond."

Steven couldn't see his dad's reaction, but he did feel him stiffen at the news. Greg took a shuddering breath and forced the tension out of his body after a moment.

"Oh," was all he could say. Then, after another moment, "So I guess Steven's middle name isn't as fitting anymore, huh?"

"Nonsense," Garnet said quickly. "Cutiepie still works for him."

Even White couldn't stop a chuckle from escaping Steven's lips. Leave it to his dad and Garnet to make everything feel a bit better.

"Well talk about it later," Greg said when he looked back down at Steven's face and took in just how pale his son looked. It was like his skin was turning gray from stress. "I'm going to get Steven to bed."

Steven couldn't protest. His entire body screamed at him for sleep, so loud that even White couldn't deny him of it.

"Connie is going to be over soon," Garnet called. "Should I tell her to come back later?"

Greg looked over at the fusion and glanced back at his son. Steven could only stare at him with silent pleading as he sat on the corner of his bed.

"What do you think, Shtuu-ball?"

"I want to see her," Steven croaked out. That much was true, at least. Connie understood him like no one else did. Maybe she would notice something was wrong with him.

"Then you get your rest," Greg said as he tucked Steven in. "And maybe a shower before she comes over, huh?" He wrinkled his nose playfully at Steven, who managed another smile before he closed his eyes and turned so his back was to his dad. The last thing he remembered before sleep consumed him was White, who was beside herself with joy that her plan was actually working.

That no one noticed Steven wasn't quite Steven.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

AN: I got nothing to say other than holy crap, I've been busy. I hope you're not too mad at the wait! I'm so sorry! I hope you enjoyed it!

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