1- I am a what?

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Happens after The Deathly Hallows and after the Heroes the Olympus series.
I ran as fast I could. The monster was chasing me and I couldn't get killed.
I saw a hill and decided to run up it for higher ground.
As soon I stepped onto the hill, a force pulled me forward. I looked back and saw that the monster was gone.
I walked further, curious about what was going on. I saw a pond and some trees. Where was I?
A girl saw me and she started talking to me. She had long blonde hair and stormy grey eyes. She looked about 17 or 18.
"Who are you" she asked me.
"Um... Emily Miller. A monster was chasing me and I ran and found you." I said,not expecting her to believe me.
"Oh! Come with me. I'll take you to Chiron."
We both walked until we reached a place that looked like a summer camp. There were cabins and many more places. Kids my age and older or younger were battling, laughing, and were busy doing different activities.
We reached a house and a centaur walked outside. (I knew he was a centaur because my dad used to read me books about Greek mythology.)
"Let's sit and talk. I am Chiron and you must be Emily." Chiron says.
We sit on the grass and I stare at trees around me.
"Has anything weird been happening to you lately?" He asked me.
"Uh, well. I recieved a letter from a school called Hogwarts. And monsters have been following me a lot." I told him.
He looked at me, confused. "Do you know who your mom and dad are?"
"I know my dad. He's a wizard actually. But I never knew my mom. I have only seen pictures of her. And in the last, my dad tried to save me from the monsters. They attacked him and killed him." The tears spilled from my eyes.
"I am sorry. It's going to be okay, believe me." Chiron said, trying to comfort me.
" Well I guess we will see who claims you tonight." He finally said and left.

So I followed the girl who brought me here.

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