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Lexie smirked to herself as she walked into school. She saw Simon and grinned. She knew that since they had kissed, he had been avoiding her.

Lexie stood with Dynasty and smiled. "Hi Mr Lowsley," she said.

"Dynasty. Lexie."

Lexie grinned and winked. Simon walked off quickly. Dynasty looked at Lexie. "Where's Esmè?" She asked.

"She has her 16 week scan today. I couldn't go with her for this one which sucks," Lexie said.

"Does she want a boy or girl?"

Lexie shrugged. "I think she wants a girl. But I know she'll be happy with whatever as long as it's healthy and happy," she told her.

Simon walked into the classroom. Lexie was there. "You shouldn't be in here."

Lexie smirked and shrugged. "Always doing what I shouldn't. Aren't I sir?"

Simon sighed. "You haven't told anyone about the other day? The kiss?" He asked as he sat down on the desk.

Lexie shook her head. "Nope. And I won't... unless you stop putting me in the cooler," she said.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Simon asked gobsmacked. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Lexie shrugged. "You call it blackmail. I call negotiating," she said as she stood up and walked off. She quickly turned back to him. "Think about it."

Lexie saw Esmè and smiled. She walked over to her. "How did it go?" She asked.

"The midwife seems to think that I'm having a girl. I have to wait till the 20 week scan. But she said she saw three lines between the legs," Esmè said.

Lexie grinned. "Es. Have you told the dad?" She asked.

"Yeah. He knows. He said he's going to make sure he's involved or he's taking the baby from me," Esmè said.

"Who's the father?"

Esmè sighed and looked at her. "You cannot tell anyone. But it's Max Tyler. He's the father of my baby," she admitted.

Lexie was shocked. She couldn't believe what Esmè had said. She sighed. "When did that happen?" She asked.

"A few weeks before he started working here. I literally didn't think I'd see him again. Then imagine my shock when he turns up."

Lexie hugged her sister. "It's all going to be okay."

Lexie saw Simon and walked over to him. "So have you made a decision yet?" She asked.

"I'm not going to allow you to blackmail me Lexie. I'm going to come clean about the kiss," Simon said.

Lexie smirked. "You'll lose your job. Your fiancé. No one will hire you again. And all because you still want me in the cooler? Tut tut Sir. The cooler causes me to miss my education. Then when I comes to my exams, I'll be behind."

"Quit this Lexie. You're acting worse than a child."

Lexie shrugged. "I am a child. You're the one who does understand that I can literally make your life hell."

Simon walked off leaving Lexie standing there. She had a smirk on her face. She was going to make him hers by the time she was finished. She wanted him too much to even think about letting him leave.

Mummy's bad girl *waterloo road*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora