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Lexie knew how she was considering adoption for the baby. She hated how her own mum wasn't supportive of her. The only two people who were there for her was her sister and Simon.

She hated how her whole head was a mess. She felt like she was going to lose her mind. She just wanted her mum to support her. But she wasn't.

She felt alone. She felt like everyone was against her. And she didn't want it that way. She wanted things to be simple. Before she got pregnant.

Lexie knew part of her was beginning to regret getting pregnant. But she wished she had waited.

All she knew was that things were a complete and utter mess. And she needed to somehow make it work.

Morning came and she woke in bed. The door opened and Esmè walked in. "Hey. I made you something to eat. Mum's gone out early. Something to do with someone she's been seeing."

Lexie sat up. She sighed. "I honestly feel like I've made a mistake. Getting pregnant. I feel like I should have waited."

"Hey. I understand that more than you think. I'm in the exact same place as you. But I think you have to think of the blessing you get at the end of it," Esmè said.

Lexie felt a tear slipping down her cheeks. "Mum isn't supportive of me though. I-I've been thinking about adoption for the baby. And... I'm going to look into it," she said.

Esmè's eyes widened. She looked to her. "Lex... I know you're struggling. But are you sure you wanna do this?" She asked.

Lexie shrugged. She looked to her baby bump. "I just... I don't know. My head is going in all directions. And I just want it to stop," she said.

"I get that. I do. But I promise things will be okay."

Lexie and Esmè went into school. Lexie saw Nikki who was standing with a woman. She frowned. "Is that who mum has been seeing?" She asked.

"Apparently so. I didn't think it was possible. But she looks happy. Who knows. Maybe she'll stop being a bitch with you," Esmè said.

"Doubt it. She says it's a joke her having two pregnant daughters. Can't say I blame her," she said.

Esmè took her hand. "Ignore what she says. You deserve better than how she's treating you," she told her as she smiled. 

Lexie was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Simon walked in. He sat down next to her and handed her a piece of paper. "What's this?" She asked.

"It's your homework. I need you to read it over and then think about the notes I've made. Get back to me," Simon said.

Lexie looked to see it was a baby catalog. She smiled as she saw everything he had circled. Pushchairs, cribs.

Lexie knew she was thankful she had him there. She didn't feel so alone. But all she wanted was her mum's support.

Lexie walked into her mums classroom. Nikki looked to her. "I don't have time for this. What is it?" She asked.

Lexie sighed. "I know you're disappointed in me. But I'm thinking about giving the baby up. For adoption. So you can stop thinking I'm a let down," she said.

Nikki watched as her daughter walked off. But could she talk her daughter into keeping her baby?

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