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Lexie woke to Nikki yelling. She climbed out of bed and made her way downstairs. She saw Esmè sitting on the sofa in tears and Nikki pacing. "What's going on?" Lexie asked.

"Did you know? She's pregnant?" Nikki asked as she turned to Lexie. She rolled her eyes. "Why am I even asking? Course you knew. Thick as thieves you two."

Esmè sighed. "She didn't know. No one knows."

Nikki nodded. "Right. Have you even seen a doctor? Do you know how far gone you are?"

"No to both those questions. I haven't decided what I'm doing yet. If I'm keeping it. If I'm not," Esmè said.

Lexie sat down with Esmè. She took her sister's hand. Nikki sighed. "Have you even told the father?"

"I don't know who the father is. It was a quick hook up in the club toilets. You don't have to keep going on. I'm ashamed as it is. My final year in school and I'm pregnant."


Lexie smiled as she saw Simon. She wasn't going to let him get away with treating her differently. She was going to seduce him and make him pay. She smirked as he walked over. "Hello Mr Lowsley."

"Lexie. I trust you're in a good mood today and that I won't be seeing you in the cooler?" Simon asked.

"Oh you know me Mr Lowsley. I make no promises on my behaviour," Lexie said as she took a sip of her cola. She grinned.

Esmè walked over at that moment in time. "Lex, I need to talk to you."


The two sisters went into the empty toilets. Lexie smiled. "Why did you tell mum I didn't know about you being pregnant?"

"I didn't want her going on at you. You're my little sister and I care about you. But I have a massive favour," Esmè said.

Lexie nodded. "What's that?" She asked.

"I need you to come with me for an abortion. I can't keep this baby. It's too hard for me," Esmè admitted. She saw the look on Lexie's face. "I'm in my final year at school. I can't handle a baby."

Lexie sighed. "Don't have an abortion Es. You'll regret it. Have you made the appointment?"

"Dynasty made one. It's two days from now. Can you come with me?"

Lexie sighed and nodded. She knew how her sister was feeling and she didn't want her to feel like she couldn't be a mum.


Lexie was in the cooler. She and Rhiannon had gotten into a fight over Rhiannon spreading about Esmè being pregnant. The door opened and Simon walked in. "Why am I not surprised to see you here?" He asked.

"Rhiannon Salt. She's a cow."

Simon sighed and sat on a desk. "I know your sister is going through a lot right now. But you can't lash out with your fists."

"Esmè is my best friend. I would do anything for her."

Simon nodded. He couldn't understand why Lexie had such bad behaviour. Lexie stood up and smirked. "You know, I think we could have some fun. What do you say?" She asked.

"That's inappropriate Lexie. Do you want to get yourself chucked out? What will that do to your mum? Your older sister pregnant and you excluded?"

Lexie smirked as Simon walked out. She could tell she was getting under his skin. It wouldn't be long until Simon Lowsley was putty in her hand.

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