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Lexie walked into the school with Esme and smiled "how are you doing?" Esme asked as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I'm pregnant. I'm scared and I have no idea how I am going to get through these exams. I'm due around the time for exams besides it's not as if I am going to get to take them" Lexie said as Esme looked to her and frowned

"I thought that you were going back into the mainstream" Esme asked as Lexie shrugged

"So did I. But you know what mum is like" Lexie said as she looked to see Simon as he stood from the car. He looked to her for a moment as Lexie sighed

"What's going on there?" Esme asked as Lexie sighed

"I don't know I mean one minute he is telling me that he loves me and wants to be with me and I know he's my teacher but I hate how cold he acts" Lexie said as Esme looked to her and smiled

"I get that. I know it's hard. But it's just how it has to be I mean Simon has risked his career to be with you" Esme said as Lexie looked to her sister and smiled

"Yeah I guess it's just hormones. I just want it to work out but I know how things aren't easy at all" Lexie said as Esme looked to her and smiled

"I know but it will be okay" Esme said as Lexie smiled hoping that she was right

Lexie stood in the common room and smiled as she saw Simon as he grabbed her waist. She looked to him and smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled

"But risky isn't it. Here in school" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"Well there's no one else here so I thought your worth the risk what happened to you coming back into the mainstream I was looking forward to you being on my class again" he said as Lexie smiled

"She's all talk that's what" she said as Simon brushed her blonde hair out of her face and smiled as he looked to her

"How about as deputy head I talked to her over how bright and how much potential that you have" he said as she smiled

"You'd do that for me"

"Well I don't like to play favourites but I make an exception for those carrying my child" he said as he leant in and kissed her

Lexie sat in bed as she rested a hand on her bump and sighed. She knew how messy things were and she knew how she wanted to do well despite how she was having a baby and she knew none of it was easy

Lexie sat texting Simon and smiled. She knew that she loved Simon but she was nervous. She would soon be having her baby and she knew once it did that everything was going to change and nothing was going to be the same again

But the question was, Was Lexie ready for it all?

Mummy's bad girl *waterloo road*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu