Shot 1

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"So, ASR're single?", Amy asked.

"Shush .....", Patrick chided and turned Arnav

"I'm sorry don't have to answer that ....she's just too nosy sometimes", he said apologetically.

"Hey ....I just ...", Amy pouted.

"No..its okay ......most people assume and spread rumours and gossip all the time felt nice being asked.", Arnav replied with a smile putting his fork and knife down.

"So...?", Amy asked again enthusiastically keeping her hand under chin turning to him.

"Soo...what?", Arnav asked.

"You are single?", she asked.

"Are you planning on leaving me?', Patrick asked suddenly worried but instead of answering she flared her diamond studded finger on his face.

"It is still there ..isn't it?"

"Okay ..we are cool right?', Patrick asked again.

"Did you do something that would upset me?", she asked still facing Arnav.

"No......", Patrick said but quickly corrected,

"None that I remember ..."

"We are cool then ..", Amy said with a smile.

"Now ....if you shut up, I am talking to Arnav here ..", she hissed when he tried to talk again and he immediately shut up and turned towards Arnav too.

"So Arnav single?", Amy asked.

"I am ...", Arnav replied with a smile sipping on to his wine.

"But why? From what I've heard you were dating that model Riya or someone .. ...", Amy asked and Arnav coughed and chuckled.

"As I said .....I'm not ....."

"Why not?", she asked with intent once again.

"Hmm....I don't know....haven't met anyone commendable yet may be ....", he said getting into thinking.

"Common ASR are surrounded by some very beautiful and smart women all the time ......don't tell me you didn't like any of them ...", she snickered.

"Like, yes.......but dating them ..No...not really my type ..", he said and they all resumed eating talking about all the random things they did while they were in college together.

"..You must come to the wedding's next month ....", Amy and Patrick requested while they waited for their chauffer in the lobby.

"It's in two months...the venue isn't decided yet but I'll get my assistant to mail you the details once it is all decided..", Patrick said with his arms around Amy.

"I will..", Arnav replied with a smile.

"And while you are at it ..try to get a date ..or I'll hook you up with some of my girlfriends in the wedding..", she threatened pointing her finger at him, but instead of taking offence he asked with a smile,

"Are they sweet like you?"

"May be ...", she said pursing her lips.

"As long as they are good hearted ..fine by me ..", he said.

"Hey .....but on a serious note ..", Patrick interrupted and asked

"When was the last time you dated?"

While Arnav refused to answer that, Patrick continued in a serious tone and Amy came out of his arms and stood by his side,

"Trust me when I say this can live your life all alone ....but it isn't not one percent worthwhile compared to what it would be someone by your side...", he paused and Amy held his arm looking up at him with all the love in her heart,

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