Chapter 7: The Legion of Doom

Start from the beginning

Flash chuckles "Yeah, slackers."

He then looks at Reaper, who in questioned lived up to his name since he was wearing a 4 eyed white creature of grim-like skull mask with deep red markings on it. And the mask covered almost completely concealed his face, revealing only his lower jaw.

And for his outfit he was, wearing a completely black suit with a silver utility belt with the buckle being in the shape of a small skull. Over that is a black leather hooded jacket that ended near his calves and was blood red on the inside.

Black leather gloves. And as footwear he had black boots with red soles and ties.

"And you did well for your first fight with the Justice League not to mention taking down Grodd, Birdie." he teased.

"Watch it Zoom." Reaper stated knowing that the speedster hates being called that.

Unnoticed to them the Wizard stated to wake up and once he saw that no one was paying attention to him he gets up and runs away but unfortunately for him his footsteps were not so quiet.

"We got a runner." Flash stated.

As the Wizard kept running, he stepped on something that blended in with the shadows.

Once he did strange shadowy force moved right in front of him and reveled four glowing red eyes.

The Wizard screams in fear as the strange force took ahold of him and became one with his body.

Running up Flash stopped once he saw the Wizard just standing there.

"Come on, Wizard don't make me hit you again." The hero proclaimed.

But he didn't answer and for some reason that didn't sit right with the hero.

"Uh, Wiz?" he said warily.

The villain finally turns around to show that his skin is now dark red, and he has four glowing red eyes.

"Azarath calls, the child must answer." He proclaimed in a distorted voice as he broke the handcuffs like it was nothing and began to float in the air.

"The hour of his rising is at hand."

Flash stepped back, now he knows something is definitely wrong here. "Oh boy."

Superman than lands right next to him "I've got this." He proclaimed and flies over to the Wizard.

With Robin and the girls...
The three young heroes silently watch as the Civilians all ran to a safe place but then a loud boom and the sound of glass breaking got their attention.

They turned their heads to look at the building behind them, "What was that?" Red questioned.

They got their answer when Superman came flying through a building towards them. The young heroes immediately dived narrowly missing being hit and could only watch as the superhero skidded to a stop.

"Superman?" Red questioned.

Superman groans and sits up but when he did, he felt something wet on his lip.

He wiped it away with his finger and saw that he was bleeding "What the hell did he hit me with?" he questioned shocked that he managed to do that.

Flash looks down at the Wizard's staff, "Himself apparently." He answered.

The Wizard flies higher in the air and created a giant storm cloud that was producing red lightning. The Villain growls and makes a giant red twister.

"He's not using any tech." Cyborg stated.

"It's magic." Wonder Woman proclaimed and immediately takes off towards the villain.

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