I remember

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"If the defendant will please rise," Shacklebolt said.

Draco complied, heart pounding in his chest.

Now was the moment. After countless weeks of waiting, one botched trial, and the lengthy proceedings of today, he would finally know his fate. His mouth felt dry, and he couldn't bear to look anywhere but the wall.

"After careful deliberation, the Wizengamot rules that Mr. Draco Malfoy is guilty of one count of reckless endangerment, and not guilty of all other charges."

There was a mixture of joyful cries, gasps, and angry murmurs throughout the crowd. Shacklebolt continued.

"For his sentence, Draco Malfoy will receive ten years of probation, during which he will be forbidden from using specific spells. All use of his magic will be monitored. Should he complete his schooling and get a job, his probation will be reduced to five years."

Draco sank back into his chair in relief. He couldn't believe it. He'd been facing life and had gotten off with practically nothing. It was more than he deserved.

Amazed, he looked around the noisy room to see his mother crying tears of joy into a black handkerchief. Potter nodded at him, while Steven grinned. Luna Lovegood simply stared over his head dreamily.

Finally, he braved a look at Hermione and felt tears threaten his own eyes as she beamed back at him, hugging Ginny Weasley.

Shacklebolt quieted the room.

"Mr. Malfoy, you will be escorted back to Azkaban where proceedings will begin for your final release and the details of your probation will be discussed with you." He smiled sternly. "You've been given quite the second chance here; I trust you won't waste it."

"I won't, Minister." Draco nodded, somehow able to find his voice.

"Court dismissed."

With that, Draco was led from the room to begin the first day of the rest of his life.

As Draco stepped into the summer sunshine, he squinted at the unfamiliar glare. He didn't think it was possible, but he was sure he'd somehow gotten paler during his time in Azkaban.

His mother was by his side, clutching the arm of his black shirt that he had been wearing when he arrived at Azkaban months ago.

"She did it," his mother murmured. "The Granger girl really did it."

Draco nodded. "Well, Steven Carmichael did a fantastic job too. Although, in some ways, Granger and he are frighteningly similar."

"Well, yes, of course, the trial." His mother waved her hand as if that was somehow old news. "But that's not what I meant."

He sighed, knowing his mother was once again speaking in riddles. "What are you talking about, Mother?"

"She saved you, Draco. All this time, she was the one that kept you from going over the edge . . . from becoming what your father wanted you to be. You can deny it all you want, but I know it's true."

"What is?"

"You love her, darling. Oh, I know it wasn't always love, but now . . . it certainly is."

"Mother." Draco groaned. "Please don't start. She's the brightest witch of our age, she isn't going to be interested in an ex-Death Eater on probation."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, you heard what the Minister said, you've been given the chance of a lifetime. Don't you dare waste it!"

A day later, Hermione was making dinner when she was startled by a knock on her door.

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