Bound to get hurt

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That evening, Hermione fought her way through a very crowded Leaky Cauldron to meet Harry, Ginny, and Ron for dinner. As she pushed through the throng, she noticed several patrons glaring at her and heard a few non-discreet, angry whispers.

Hermione's history of defending Death Eaters had not made her as popular as she once was. In fact, the Daily Prophet had more than once referred to her as a "traitor" to Muggle-born witches and wizards. Like Ron, many people could not understand the fact that her job was to uncover and present the facts, regardless of what she or anyone else believed about her clients.

"Sorry I'm late," Hermione breathed, sliding into the empty chair next to Ginny, who hugged her. "My meeting ran long."

"That's okay." Harry smiled at her. "Ginny and I only just got here."

"Let's order," Ron said, "I'm starving! I haven't eaten in . . ." He looked at his watch. "Two hours."

Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes but agreed because she was quite hungry too.

Once everyone's drinks arrived, Harry cleared his throat. "So, uh . . . Ginny and I have some news." His cheeks were tinged pink and he smiled broadly. "We're engaged."

Hermione and Ron cried out joyfully in unison. Hermione's gaze immediately went to Ginny's outstretched left hand, which had a large sparkling ruby ring on it. Ron clapped Harry on the back. "Welcome to the family, mate!"

The four friends spent the next hour laughing and talking over the couple's upcoming wedding plans. As Harry and Ginny good-naturedly argued over Australia versus Greece for their honeymoon, Hermione stole a glance at Ron, who was obliviously stuffing his face with Hermione's remaining food.

There was a part of her that would always love him. She'd loved him for so long but, at the same time, their romantic relationship had been a disaster.

Not only did Ron not support her in her job, but he'd also been forgetful and uninterested in their relationship. Although she knew he loved her in his own way, he certainly hadn't made her feel special. Combining that with the ferocious fights they had, and Ron's inability to have deep conversations, she knew she'd been right to end things.

But now, seeing her other two friends so happy and complete, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She always thought that would be her and Ron someday. Clearly, she'd been very wrong.

"So 'Mione, how's work?" Harry said. Although Harry and Ron were both Aurors and the three of them often dealt with the same people, Harry was the only one who showed an interest in her cases. Hermione noticed Ron stiffen next to her.

"Yeah, any interesting cases?" Ginny asked, always ready for a little gossip.

"Uh . . . yes, I guess you could say that," Hermione did not feel ready to have this discussion with her friends, but she knew it was inevitable.

"Really? Who?" Ginny leaned over the table eagerly.

"Draco Malfoy . . ." Hermione said it almost as a question, waiting for the inevitable blowout.

"WHAT?!" Ron dropped his fork, and food flew off Hermione's plate.

"No way!" Ginny exclaimed as Harry sputtered and coughed, having choked on his drink.

"What's wrong with you?!" Ron turned on Hermione angrily.

Harry managed to recover enough to gasp, "You can't be serious."

"Is he still hot?" Ginny unhelpfully asked.

"Ron! Calm down!" Hermione smacked her hand on the table. "Just let me explain, okay?" She turned to Harry. "And yes, I'm serious." Ginny's question she ignored.

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