Torrid love affair

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On Monday, Draco entered the meeting room to find a dark-haired young man seated in Hermione's spot. He was relieved that he didn't recognize him, although that didn't necessarily mean he wasn't someone who had a grudge against him or his father.

"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy," the young man greeted him. Draco noticed he had an American accent. "I'm Steven Carmichael, your new Defense Inquisitor. Have a seat."

"You're American?" Draco asked.

Steven smiled. "Yes, with so many cases going on right now, the European Ministry is bringing in American Inquisitors to help with the load. I arrived on Friday."

Draco nodded, feeling extremely relieved. It was probably the best scenario he could have hoped for. Although, he was a little worried because Steven didn't look much older than him. Did he even have any experience? Of course, Hermione was young too, but she was unique.

"You don't look very old . . ." Draco eyed Steven critically.

Steven laughed. "Graduated top of my class at Ilvermorny three years ago. Got all O's on my N.E.W.T.s and landed a highly competitive internship at the Magical Congress of America. And I've won the majority of my cases . . . You're in good hands, Mr. Malfoy."

That was a relief. Although Draco had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. Carmichael sounded like he was just as much of an overachiever as Granger.

He's probably her soulmate.

Draco frowned, envisioning the two of them as a power-couple with a perfect house full of accolades and polite little know-it-all children. Although, he begrudgingly conceded, Steven seemed like the type of guy she deserved. Not like those morons she usually went out with.

Oblivious to Draco's unhappy musings, Steven referred to a sheet of parchment with Hermione's handwriting and began asking Draco questions, taking his own notes.

"I don't plan on changing much with my defense," Steven said after they finished going over the basics of Draco's case. "Miss Granger did a wonderful job building a solid case for you but, I must warn you, because of the nature of her dismissal from your case, your trial is likely to be a bit of a media circus."

Draco groaned, knowing what Steven said was true. As if the wizarding world needed another reason to hate him. Now he could be blamed for corrupting the Golden Trio's princess. Everyone would be out for his blood.

"So basically, if we lose, I may actually be safer in Azkaban," Draco said dryly.

Steven gave a short laugh, adjusting his reading glasses. "Let's try to think positively, hey? Now, Luna Lovegood returned my owl saying she'll still testify, and your mother will, of course, but I haven't heard back from Harry Potter yet."

Draco was not surprised. He was sure Harry would not be testifying anymore. Potter would be furious knowing that Draco had kissed Hermione, especially because her job was likely in jeopardy over it.

There was a time when Draco would have loved nothing more than to irritate Potter so much. He would have enjoyed smugly rubbing it in his face. But now, not only had Draco just lost his best defense for his case, he also knew Hermione would be getting nothing but grief from her friends. Draco hoped she had good sense to blame the whole thing on him.

While Steven droned on about his plans for the case, Draco found himself struggling to concentrate on his monotone voice. It was difficult because his thoughts kept straying to Hermione. Now that she was no longer a regular part of his life, he realized he missed her.

While he would have liked to blame it on his lack of human company, he knew that wasn't what it really was. After all, his mother still visited him daily, and he had Steven to talk to right now.

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