Choose Mi lady

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Hermione's low heels clacked behind her as she headed toward Kingsley's office. When she arrived, she was greeted by his secretary sitting behind a large mahogany desk.

"Miss Granger," the petite blond said, flashing a beaming smile. "How can I help you?"

"Hi, Alice." Hermione forced herself to sound pleasant. "I need to see Minister Shacklebolt. It's urgent."

"Let me see . . . he has a meeting in twenty minutes. How long do you need?"

"I'll make it quick, I promise."

Alice nodded, then spoke into her wand. "Minister Shacklebolt, Hermione Granger is here to see you. She said it's urgent." She paused for a moment, listening to Shacklebolt's reply in her ear, then nodded to Hermione. "Go on."

Hermione smiled and thanked her, then opened the door to the Minister of Magic's office.

"Miss Granger." Kingsley Shacklebolt stood up and shook her hand, then gestured to the seat in front of his desk. "What can I do for you?"

Hermione sat down and placed the folder on his desk.

"It's about my next case, Minister." Hermione chose her words carefully, trying her best to maintain a professional demeanor. "I have some misgivings about my ability to be . . . impartial."

Shacklebolt picked up the file and opened it. "Ah, yes, Draco Malfoy. This has been a difficult case for me to assign." He perused the information, then looked at her. "I can understand your hesitation in taking this assignment on, Miss Granger."

Hermione's shoulders relaxed. "Given my history with the defendant, I feel it would be unwise for me to represent him."

Shacklebolt sighed and put the file back on his desk. "I understand. Although, to be frank with you, I think you are the best person to handle it."

"You do? Why?"

"The Malfoy family has a long history in the wizarding world, Miss Granger. As you know, Lucius Malfoy held a high position at the Ministry for quite a few years. He made many enemies . . . and allies. From what I've heard, his son is not much different." He paused. "All my other Defense Inquisitors have an association with the Malfoy family—unpleasant or otherwise—making it unwise for me to have them represent Draco Malfoy. Try as I might, the Ministry is still not without its share of corruption."

Hermione took this all in. "I understand, Minister . . . but I also have an unpleasant history with the Malfoy family."

"I know you do. But I also know you to be the most ethical Inquisitor in my department. I trust that, regardless of your personal feelings, you will be well equipped to handle Mr. Malfoy's case fairly and impartially. That is why I ultimately chose you."

Hermione was torn between feeling flattered at the Minister of Magic's high opinion of her and dismayed by what he was asking her to do.

Shacklebolt cleared his throat. "I kept this case unfilled for so long because I was unsure of whom to assign. However, when I had a request for you to be the defending Inquisitor, I realized that was the best course of action."

"A request?" Hermione was flabbergasted. Had Draco Malfoy specifically asked for her to represent him?

That seemed absurd. She couldn't imagine Malfoy wanting her to represent him any more than she did. Although, she wondered if he thought she would be easy to manipulate. No doubt he had some slimy, underhanded idea about how to get himself off the hook. The thought angered her more.

"I do know," Shacklebolt continued, "of Mr. Malfoy's unpleasant treatment toward you during your time at Hogwarts. And, of course, his role in Dumbledore's death is obviously a sensitive topic. However, if there is anything else that I'm unaware of that would make it unethical for you to represent Mr. Malfoy, let me know, and I will try to reassign his case."

Hermione bit her bottom lip. Her torture at Malfoy Manor by Bellatrix Lestrange was not public knowledge. Because Bellatrix had been killed by Mrs. Weasley at the Battle of Hogwarts, there'd been no need for Hermione to make the situation known. Bellatrix hadn't lived to face a trial.

Hermione had decided to keep the incident private, requesting Harry and Ron do the same. She had no intention of sharing that horrible experience in interviews, which she'd had many of after the war.

What happened to her at the Manor still haunted her nightmares, and Hermione had resolved to put it behind her as much as possible. Although she knew she could trust Shacklebolt with his discretion, she still didn't want to talk about it with him.

She also thought about the impact Draco Malfoy had on her life. How his treatment of her in school had shaped much of her thoughts of herself in her younger years. How she always strove to prove herself to be smart and talented. How deep down she wondered if she wasn't deserving of her magic. She knew it was foolish, but at times, she still battled with that self-doubt.

Was now her chance to show, for once and for all, that she was better than Draco Malfoy? By handling his case maturely and fairly, could she finally prove to herself that his words had no hold over her?

She also thought about what could happen if she refused his case. Who would Malfoy be given as an Inquisitor? One of her corrupt colleagues who could be paid off to use underhanded techniques to help Malfoy gain his freedom even if he didn't deserve it?

Suddenly, her choice seemed clear. By taking on his case herself, Hermione could be sure Draco Malfoy was held accountable for his crimes.

She could do it. After all, she was Hermione Granger. She helped bring down Voldemort. Surely, she could handle defending a spoiled brat like Draco Malfoy.

Hermione took a deep breath. "You're right, Minister. I can handle Mr. Malfoy's case with integrity. If you think I'm the right person for the case, then I will do my best to prove you correct."

"Excellent, Miss Granger. I have every confidence in you."

Hermione shook Shacklebolt's hand, then headed back to her office with new resolve. She had work to do before her three o'clock meeting.

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