The Truth

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A half an hour later, court had resumed, and everyone waited to see what Minister Shacklebolt would declare concerning the memory.

"After subjecting the memory of the late Bellatrix Lestrange to testing, the court has established that the memory is credible and relevant. It will be admitted into evidence for this case."

There was a mixture of cries throughout the courtroom, and Hermione was pleased to see McLaggen frown deeply, a vein pulsing in his forehead.

"Would the Prosecution like to question the Defendant regarding this memory?" Shacklebolt asked.

"Yes." McLaggen strode to the center of the room, and Draco was given a new dose of Veritaserum.

"Tell me, Mr. Malfoy," McLaggen folded his hands. "If the court will pardon my language, who was the 'Mudblood' that Bellatrix Lestrange referred to in that memory when she read your mind?"

"Hermione Granger," Draco said.

"And would that be the same Hermione Granger you were seen kissing several weeks ago?"


Hermione felt her face flush as murmurs broke out through the crowd. Of course, McLaggen wouldn't miss an opportunity to bring that up again.

"Interesting . . ." McLaggen sneered. "So just when did your obsession with Hermione Granger begin?"

Draco clenched his jaw. "I do not have an obsession with her."

"Perhaps infatuation would be a more appropriate word then?"

"That is not-"

"Objection," Steven stood up. "These questions are not relevant. The Prosecution is harassing the defendant."

"Sustained," Minister Shacklebolt said. "Inquisitor McLaggen, please limit your questions to topics pertaining to the case."

"My apologies, Minister," McLaggen said, raising a hand, "but I would merely like to point out to the court that the defendant has demonstrated unusual behavior towards Miss Granger in the past. He could be a danger to her if he is released."

"Mr. Malfoy," Shacklebolt said, "do you have any intention of harming Miss Hermione Granger?"

Draco shook his head. "No, of course not."

"Inquisitor McLaggen, do you have any more questions pertaining to the defendant's case?"

"No, Minister." McLaggen narrowed his eyes, then stepped down.

Hermione relaxed slightly as Steven finally approached Draco. However, she bit her lip as she scanned the Wizengamot. McLaggen had been aggressive and convincing when he'd first questioned Draco, just as she expected him to be. She only hoped Steven could do better.

"Mr. Malfoy," Steven said, facing Draco, "did you at one time consider yourself loyal to Voldemort's cause?"

"I did," Draco replied, his voice slightly shaky.

"And when was that?"

"When I was a child-before Voldemort's return. Then up until a few days after I actually became a Death Eater."

"And when did you start to doubt Voldemort's teachings?"

"When he commanded me to kill Dumbledore." Draco leaned forward, his voice stronger and steadier. "My doubts increased throughout my sixth year at Hogwarts until the night Dumbledore died. Then I no longer believed at all."

"Earlier today you told the court that you once felt excited about the thought of becoming a Death Eater. Is that how you felt when you actually took the Dark Mark?"

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