Shizuka gave the man next to her a strange look, almost disgusted. "You're weird."


"Kakashi, you're not sick right?" she asked, bringing her face closer to him as she squinted her eyes so she could get a better look. It was raining, she didn't wear glasses because that would definitely worsen her eyesight.


"I've never heard you talk like that, nanodayo," Shizuka blurted, raising her imaginary glasses. It was a little strange for her to hear the words leave Kakashi's mouth. 

"Hey, what kind of person do you think I am?" asked Kakashi. 

"Someone who goes their own way," replied Shizuka flatly. The girl turned her body and walked away before whispering. "Thank you. Don't misunderstand! I still think you are weird, nanodayo!"

"My, my, what a tsundere~"


Weeks have passed. Jiraiya and Naruto succeeded in bringing Tsunade who had accepted to become Konoha's 5th Hokage. Her existence makes the village relieved. She also immediately tackled matters regarding the Chunnin exams and Akatsuki that came two weeks ago. 

With the Hokage back, Shizuka returned to being the ANBU and went on a mission. Especially now that the mission is more individual. Well, the war with the villages of Sand and Music cost Konoha many ninjas.

Now Shizuka, Naruto, and Sakura are in Sasuke's room. The existence of Tsunade —a great medical ninja— managed to make Sasuke wake up from Uchiha Itachi's genjutsu.

"Naruto, fight me ... Now!" Suddenly, Sasuke asked him to fight, which made the three other ninjas stare at him in shock and curiosity.

"Huh?? You're still recovering after Granny Tsunade's healing," Naruto asked, staring weirdly at the raven haired boy. "What are you talking about?"

Sasuke then activated his sharingan. "Shut up and fight me! Do you think you saved me? I don't care if shes's the Fifth Hokage... you shouldn't have let her."

"What?!" Naruto growled in anger. Shizuka who heard him just narrowed her eyes.

"Sasuke-kun, what's going on?" Sakura looked at the two of them in panic. "Say something, Naruto! This isn't—"

The man then got out of bed. "You said you wanted to fight me, didn't you? Let's do it now! Or, are you afraid?" 

Naruto gritted his teeth, before smiling. "This is perfect! I was just thinking about fighting you!"

"What are you two idiots thinking?" Shizuka scolded as she pushes her glasses up. "Sasuke, you really have to stop your big ego. If Tsunade-sama doesn't come and heal you, I'm sure you are still trapped in that nightmare until you're going insane."

"So be grateful that Naruto helps you," she added. "Because if it was me, I would have left you trapped in there. Why should I help someone who doesn't want to be helped? And Naruto, you don't just agree to fight him."

"Tch!" Sasuke chuckled in annoyance, giving him a glare. "It's none of your business!"

Sasuke decides to fight on the roof of the Hospital. Out of the wide space for fighting, he even thought of fighting there. Maybe because it's closer. But anyway, Sasuke and Naruto are now fighting with taijutsu. Which then finally Naruto made another shadow to make a jutsu.  That jutsu is like a round ball of chakra. Shizuka didn't know what it was. On the other hand, Sasuke made a chidori in his hand and the two of them ran.



"Shizuka, can't you stop them?" begged Sakura who was already getting anxious. 

Shizuka narrowed her eyes. She jumped up, grabbed one hand of the two, and threw them into the water tanks. From behind, Kakashi sprinted before landing next to Shizuka.

Shizuka observed the two, judging by the jutsu, she thought that Naruto's jutsu was stronger. Even though she didn't know what it was.

"What are you two doing up here?" Kakashi asked, his usual bored tone disappear instantly. "That was a little much for just a fight. What's wrong with you two?"

Kakashi jumped then sat on top of the tank that Sasuke's struck. "Sasuke, what do you think you're doing?"

Sasuke glared at him.

"That Chidori, wasn't the size you'd aim at a friend from the village," Kakashi calmly added. "Are you actually trying to kill Naruto?"

Shizuka sighed. "We better go, Sakura. Let Kakashi handle them."

Sakura and Shizuka left the hospital in silence. The atmosphere is choppy and a little awkward. With Shizuka feeling annoyed and Sakura feeling sad for the boys. In fact, she could hear the pink haired girl sobbing a little. 

"Shizuka ..." she whimpered, wiping her face with the back of her hands. "Do you think they'll be like that again?"

"I actually don't know," answered Shizuka honestly, looking straight ahead.

"That Sasuke-kun ... I can feel him changing since the chunnin exam," Sakura explained, her voice sounding low. "I don't know why he's like that. And I ... I don't like Sasuke-kun now."


"His aura, his aura looks really dark, and he's getting really cold," Sakura clenched her two hands to her chest.

"Naruto and Sasuke are both friends and rivals, their competition keeps them going." The green haired girl glanced at her teammate. "I'm guessing Naruto couldn't tolerate Sasuke's cheap provocations. He's wanted to be as strong as Sasuke. Naruto wants to be recognized by him."

"At the same time, Sasuke senses the change in Naruto and is feeling inferior," Shizuka continued. "He feels at risk of being left behind."

Yes, Shizuka admitted that Naruto was now seeing progress. She heard that it was Naruto who defeated Gaara. He had also won against Neji. His development clearly made Sasuke who has a high ego become like that.

"Ah, I understand now," Sakura scoffed softly, guilty that she didn't notice it now. "It's just inferiority? Why does he have to feel that way?"

"Because he's an Uchiha," Shizuka stopped in front of Sakura's house, then looked at her with an emotionless gaze. "Don't worry too much, Sakura."

"Wah, I didn't know you would be so worried about me," Sakura teased, lifting the atmosphere surrounds them. 

"Tch, don't get full of yourself."


QUIRK | naruto. u ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora