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"Shawty you saw me come out the house with a couple months back.." He trailed off.

"That's who callin' me."

Standing there feeling extremely stupid, I just stared at him, trying to process exactly what he'd just said to me.

"So you're telling me, you and this girl just talk on a regular basis?"

"The girl I caught you with the last time. The reason why we had that huge fallout."

"You gave her your number and the two of you talk regularly while I'm over here trying to work on a relationship with you?" I asked for confirmation and he just sat there looking at me as if he could no longer understand English.

"Dominic." I called, trying to get him to say something as he sat there ignoring me.

"Dominic, I promise you.."

"I will leave right now and never talk to you again if you don't speak up and tell me what the hell is going on." It was like he wanted me to be this way, he obviously enjoyed my pain. All I wanted was information and he wouldn't even answer me.


"I never gave the bitch my number." He came out saying, cutting me off.

"She gave me her number and after we broke up officially, I ended up texting the bitch and told her I wanted her to come over."

"That same night I broke up with you, I let her suck my dick."

"So on our six year anniversary?" I asked and he nodded.

"I let her suck my dick probably three times, including the time you knew about. I was hurting the first and second time and I just wanted my mind off of you."

"The last time she did it is when me and you decided to be cordial. I wasn't hurtin' nomore but I just let her do it because I wanted to. I never told you about it because we was strictly friends at the time and I ain't have to tell you shit." He spoke bluntly as I listened intently.

"And I'm only gon' tell you na' because we're working on being together again and you deserve to know about it since the bitch randomly calling my phone this late at night."

"Na' I never fucked the bitch. That never happened. I ain't have no interest in fuckin' on her. I only let her suck my dick and that's it. I used a condom every time and that's why I always carry around condoms now, it's a habit at this point. Just in case I ever randomly wanted her to suck my dick."

"Wow." I said, looking down. His words were breaking me to pieces but I'd ask him to give me information so he here was giving me what I'd asked for.

"And no, none of it happened while I was with you. These past two months I've been strictly focusing on us getting back right."

"So that's probably why she callin'. She wun' suck my dick but she can't."

"This your fuckin' dick." He spoke sternly, looking into my eyes.

"You the only one I wun' fuck, you the only one I wun' be with."

"Na' if you gon' have an attitude about that shit and you wun' walk out on me then go. I ain't stopping you and I damn sure ain't begging you. I told you before and I'm gon' tell you again, I want trust in this new relationship we're building. And obviously we still ain't got that and we ain't never gon' have that if you can't believe me over some random bitch."

"But if you gon' stay with me and talk this shit out then cool. I'a call that bitch back in the morning and let her know I got a girl and what she was doin' for me is over with. Been over with for months now."

"And then if the bitch can't understand and she wun' cause problems, I'a sick Deja on her."

"So na' all that shit handled."

"Na'.." He trailed off, licking his lips.

"Whatchu gon' do?" He asked as I stood there speechless.

"You leavin'?" He asked sternly.

"Or you stayin' and working shit out with a nigga?"

Standing there in silence, I looked down at the huge shirt of his that I had on. I had no words to say after hearing his spill. And I guess I couldn't really be mad at him since all of this happened after we were broken up.

"I'm staying." I spoke softly, coming to my senses.

"You stayin'?" He asked for confirmation and I nodded.

"Aight then, get your ass back in the bed and talk to me about how you feel."

"Cause you got a right to feel a way but I ain't gon' sit here and argue about what the fuck I did as a single man." He went on as I made my way back over to the bed and he grabbed me, pulling me to him.

I now straddled him as he looked up at me with serious eyes.

"Gon' ahead and tell me whatchu feel. Get all your anger out."

"Well to start.." I trailed off, nervously as he looked up into my eyes.

"I'm mad at you because I don't like the fact that you were intimate like that with another girl but like you said we weren't together and we had no plans of being together again, which I get."

"But you felt the need to do it three times which hurts a little bit because you obviously enjoyed it." I cringed a bit, visualizing it.

"I did." He nodded as I looked down at him, trying to hold my composure.

"You did?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm not gon' lie to you and tell you I didn't because I did. That's why I did that shit three times." He went on bluntly and I bit my lip to keep it from trembling.

"But I would never do that shit again because sex can't change the way I operate. I'm a grown ass man, I know how to control myself. If I'm with you, I'm with you. And I'm with you, so that's it."

"You're with me?" I spoke softly and he nodded slowly.

"I'm with you, Tiana."

"And It's gon' take some time to get all the way there but even during just the journey, ma. I'm with you, only you."

"Okay." I spoke, believing everything he was saying to me. I trusted him.

"You hear me?" He went on and I simply nodded.

"Aight. So we done talking about this na'?"

"I guess, yeah."

"Aight then, it's over. I'a call the bitch in the morning and get it resolved for your assurance. After that, I don't wun' hear no more about it, T."

"That shit over with."

"Aight?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

"Aight, na' give me a kiss so I can go to sleep."

"No." I shook my head, quickly realizing as he softly chuckled to himself. He thought he was slick, trying to pull a fast one.

"No kissing, we're still not together." I reminded, getting off of his lap.

"Aight. Remember that."



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