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Another one since I was in the mood. 🧘🏽‍♀️

45 minutes later

Pulling up to Connor's house, I sighed heavily. This was nothing new for me but I hated every moment of it. I hated this place as a whole.

"Babe." He smiled, standing out front of his house.

"Hi." I slickly rolled my eyes as I slammed my car door closed, making my way around it.

"What's up? What took you so long?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we made our way into the house.

"Oh, I was just stuck over at a friend's." I lied through my teeth, walking by his side.

"Stuck?" He asked, flipping his blonde hair.

"Yeah. My car wouldn't start.."

"What?" He asked in disbelief, opening the door for us before we walked in.

"Yup." I nodded my head, trying to sound as believable as possible.

"Welp, I told you about those shitty Kia's." He joked and I tight smiled, walking into the living room.

Looking around, I became mesmerized by the chandelier and art work all over the walls. I'd do this every time I came here because honestly, this was all I wanted. I wanted to graduate, get my degree then live like this with Dom. But unfortunately, I had to go through so much to get it. Including lying to him.

"Your mom called." Connor spoke from behind, startling me.

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows, still clouded by my thoughts.

"I said your mom called. She'd told me you were on your way hours ago."

"That's why I kept calling." He laughed, snorting like he usually does.

"Oh yeah.." I trailed off, nodding my head.

"Well where's the love? Where's my kiss?" He smiled, pulling me into him.

"Sorry, I'm just kind of out of it." I told him, quickly pecking his lips and pulling away.

"I understand." He nodded as we weirdly looked at each other.

"Are you staying over tonight?" He went onto ask and I shook my head.

"No, I just came over to study for the test tomorrow and then go back home." I admitted and he simply nodded.

"Alright, I'll go grab my history book and some cheese for us to eat."

"Okay. While you do that, I'm going to use the bathroom." I told him and he nodded before we slowly parted ways.

Quickly making my way to the nearest bathroom, I slammed the door behind me as I broke down into tears. This was nothing new for me but every time I did it, it felt so wrong. I was cheating and lying to Dom while he was home thinking he has a faithful girlfriend.

I mean, I didn't want to do this him at all but my mother pressured me to be with Connor. She felt he was more fit for me than Dom was. She didn't like that Dom lived in the hood and she despised everything about him, making it harder for us.

She'd told me two months ago that if I didn't leave Dom then she was no longer paying for my schooling because I was throwing my life away being with a drug dealer. So here I was with the white man she wanted me to be with all along. One whole month of cheating on Dominic, with graduation five months away. At this point, I was just trying me best to hold it together.

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