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"This nigga crazy." Dej continued to complain as we sat there no longer than five minutes after Dom went upstairs.

"I ain't bout' to sit here and kick it with this bitch."

"Fuck this." She ended up saying and I put my eyes to the sky at her childish ass.

I watched as she made her way out the front door and slammed it once she left. When she did, I continued to stay seated. I was just ready to get this over with but this girl was way too childish for me.

"Yo." Dom called down the steps, obviously wanting to know what just happened.

"Who just left?" He spat.

"She left." I sassed as he quickly came down the staircase with another freshly rolled blunt. He then made his way out of the front door and I heard a loud commotion going on between the two.

"Get the fuck back in here, Deja. You really bout' to blow my high bro. Real shit." Dom snapped at her as he came back into the house and plopped down onto couch beside me.

"So y'all still ain't talk?" He asked lighting his blunt and I shrugged carelessly.

"It's her." I told him and he nodded slowly, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

Moments later, Deja ended up coming back into the house and plopping down onto the other couch on the opposite side of us.

"So y'all really not gon' talk?" He asked, taking a pull from his blunt as her and I both sat there, looking at nothing in particular.

The room stayed quiet for a long while as he smoked his blunt. This was becoming annoying for me.

"Aight." He finally spoke, nodding his head as he licked his lips.

"This what the fuck gon' on. Y'all don't want to talk then.."

"Deja don't say shit to me and T we can keep this shit exactly how it was before." He said, standing to his feet.

"Are you serious?" I spat to him.

"Nigga, stop acting like a little bitch." She spoke up as well while I sat there in disbelief.

"So we're not going to work on us because she wants to be stubborn?" I asked, confused with his stupid logic.

"Bitch, I told you to stop talking to me." She ended up saying to me.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking about you, hoe." I shot back and we both watched as Dominic scoffed.

"Y'all fuckin' childish, bro." He shook his head.

"I'm not the one being childish and I really don't think I deserve this. This is something she started."

"We had this perfectly planned out this morning before she came over here, putting her two cents in." I expressed to him.

"Get that shit right then." He completely dismissed everything I said, walking away into the kitchen as I turned back toward her.

"I'm not doing shit." I felt tears brewing in my eyelids. He had me fucked up. I couldn't believe he was quick to change his mind about our situation for something as small as this.

"Now this hoe bout' to cry." She spoke under her breath but I heard her anyway.

"Yo, bro. Come get little goofy some tissues." She taunted as I shook my head.

"You know what. Deja, I don't care if you don't like me and I don't care that you're upset about us fucking with each other again. The only thing I care about is respect and if you can't respect me then that's where we'll always have problem. Every fucking time."

"Other than that, say what you want, feel how you feel but I love your brother. And, I'm not walking away from him no matter what you or anybody else thinks." I expressed truthfully.

"Now I know you might be questioning my character now. Considering everything me and him has been through these past couple of months. But really think about it, I never gave you or him problems out of me when it came to loyalty. I'm loyal to him and always have been. I just fucked up once but who hasn't?"

"You even admitted to your fuck ups, so you have no choice but to understand where I'm coming from." I pointed out.

"So I'm not asking for us to be friends but the only thing I'm asking for is respect. There doesn't have to be any beef between us."

"You're a twenty five year old, grown ass woman. I'm a twenty one year old, grown ass woman. There's no reason why we have to sit here and argue back and forth about who's wrong and who's right. At the end of the day, we can agree to disagree and move on with our lives."

After I finished expressing how I felt, the room went completely silent. I'm guessing she wasn't used to grown up talking.

"I feel you.." Was all she said as she sat slouched in the seat.

"What?" I asked, she'd completely threw me off.

"I said I feel you, Tiana." She repeated and I couldn't help but to raise my eyebrows.

"I feel everything you said."

"I'm just protective over my little brother. I'm always gon' go hard when somebody hurt him, make him mad, cheat on him.." She trailed, looking directly at me when she mentioned cheating.

"But I guess you right about staying down for five years." She nodded, looking down at her fingers.

"That shit was solid."

"I don't think I ever met a shawty that stayed down with niggas like us for five years." She went on, still looking down.

"I guess I was just on bullshit because I was jealous that bro had something so solid."

"I ain't never had nothing like that and never looked for nothing like that, you know?" She went on and I nodded slowly.

"But that nigga really love you." She looked down, playing with the stringers on her sweatpants.

"And I was lying when I said he was fuckin' bitches. I was just tryna make you mad."

"I know." I said to myself, looking down as well.

After her brief spill, we sat there in silence. I guess this was us finally finding common ground. I wasn't completely sure but the bickering had stopped so I figure we'd made some kind of break through.

Moments later, Dom came back into the room and he plopped down onto the couch.

"Y'all done?" He looked from me to her and I simply nodded.

"Dej?" He asked and she finally nodded as well, looking down at her fingers.

"Aight, coo." He smirked, obviously happy and Dej slowly stood to her feet.

"I'm gon' to the car. I'll see y'all later." She ended up saying and we both nodded.

"Aight, nigga. Stay safe." He told her with a light chuckle.

"Witcha soft ass." He added as she stopped in her tracks, turning around to us.

"Whatchu say, pussy?" She asked amused as he stood to his feet, pulling me up with him.

"Na', I ain't say nothing. Must've been hearing shit." He said to her as we made our way upstairs.

"That's what the fuck I thought." She spat.



Aw, Tiana and Dej found common grounds. 🙂

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