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Sooo hi?

How am I supposed to start this? This is my first fanfic so it's probably going to be extremely shitty, but I have nothing better to do since school ended and I have two months before I start high school. this is a Tanaka x Reader... i mean... you should probably know that if you read the title...holy shit I'm bad at this... ANYWAY! I'm also writing this because there aren't very many Tanaka x Readers out there even though he is fan-fuckin-tabulous! Oma I'm rambling...imma stop talking (writing?) before I scare y'all away.

By the way, it seems like there's going to be quite a bit of swearing in this because apparently that's how I write or "express myself"? (it will mostly be in their thoughts because that's how I think) So you've been warned.


P.s. Can I do that? Imma do it cause I'm a rebel (lol I'm really not). I literally contemplated publishing these first few chapters for a solid two hours so if your reading this I got over my fear of being judged so please don't be big dicks kk? I'm just kidding most of you are pretty nice, I think? Whatever.

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