Chapter 12

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Third POV
A week has past so far, Pidge has been perfecting her newly found power. And Lance has been trying to restart his OTP folder. Let's just say it's not going well. Pidge on the other hand has made a tremendous amount of progress. She is able to short circuit, and take apart technology based items and or metal. She's trying to accomplish being able to control the voltage volume. Right now, she can only give 100 voltage. This is very lethal to a human being, unsure about alien life forces.

Today was a normal relaxing day. The humans and Alteans are currently sitting in the lounge area. It was break day, Allura is always on high alert. It's understandable, considering what happened last time. "Urgh, I'm bored" Lance said sliding off the couch onto the floor. "We still have our gaming system?" Pidge asked not raising her head from the computer. "Oh yeah" Lance skidded out of the lounging areas, through the halls, to his room and back. He hooked up the gaming console, booting it up. Pidge peeled her eyes from her current project, and got ready to dominate Lance in Mario Cart. Rolling up her sleeves and picking up her control, 'Lance is going down' she thought.

Ten rounds later, everyone gathered around to watch Lance repeatedly lose to the small gremlin. Pidge leaned against the couch, as Allura braided her hair. Quickly moving on to the other Paladins, Coran, and Matt much to their protest. Over all, today was a fun family day. Tomorrow training and chores would commence once again. But that can wait until the sun rise, or rather the dark void we call space decides it's morning. Tonight everyone on the castle of lions may rest in peace, hopefully bracing for what's to come.

Short I know, but it's just a filler. A happy moment before the worst, can't throw bad news at ya. That would make me a meanie! Love you fuckers.

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