Chapter 11

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Pidge POV
My pillow was extra comfy today. I don't wanna move. Wait....MY PILLOW IS MOVING!!!!! I peaked open my eyes to see a peacefully sleeping Keith. My eyes shot open at the sight. I couldn't get up, he had his ARMS WRAPPED AROUND MY WAIST! Calm down Pidge this is not the time to panic.....what am I saying?!? It's the perfect time to panic. It's fine, well it's not, but if I pretend it is maybe I can get out of this.

I attempt to remove his arms but that just makes him clutch harder, squishing me to his chest. Well, at least I'm comfortable. Why did I have to say that, now I need to use the bathroom. Breathe, you can just wake him up. Yeah, let's do that. I sound like a crazy person, but I don't wanna wake him up. He looks so perfect sleeping, urgh no Pidge, GET UP! I start poking his cheek in an attempt to wake him. I guess you could say I look like an annoying cat right about now. After a few minutes of poking I started getting impatient. I groaned and picked up the pillow from underneath us, and threw it as hard as I could down on him. He jolted awake.

Really? That wakes you up, whatever. I start laughing at his sleepy expression and bed head. "Its not funny" he mumbled, "what was that?" I say teasingly. "Its not funny" he said a little louder, rubbing his eyes from sleep. I took this opportunity to tackle him, and pin him to the bed. His arms were pressed near his head, while I stratled his hips. His eyes went wide, and flushed a deep red. I could only smirk at my handy work. I then remembered I need to go to the bathroom. I slid off him and the bed in one swoop, running to the bathrooms. "Hey, where are you going?!?" Keith shouted from my bed.

Once j was done with my lady business, I calmly walk out. Only to be captured by a certain mullet head. "So, what's with that stunt you pulled and ran away for?" He asked smugly. I just shrugged and was about to respond when a flash went off. We both turned our heads to see Lance and Hunk standing there with a phone. They both gulped dramatically and took off running to the dining hall for protection. I shake my head, Keith and I share a look and take off after them.

We ran all the way there, me in the back. Curse my short legs. I may have insulted him once....or twice. But in my defense I don't like getting my picture taken. As we ran, we almost knocked over Matt. Poor Matt, he was just typing to put the food goo on the table. We ran a couple laps around the long dining table. Until I had enough, intercepting him by climbing over said table. I may or may not have dived on him like a pro wrestler, you can't prove anything. So therefore, I can't get trouble. I grab his phone only to find it locked. He was currently clutching his left arm, where my elbow made contact, and smugly smiled up at me. I groaned and threw the phone at his head, narrowly missing him. "Forgot about the password huh?" He was still on the floor. "I think you forget that I'm a hacker and I can delete the photo later", "you wouldn't dare". "Try me", "brat". "That's it" I jump on him again.

Allura POV
Me, Shiro, and Coran walked into the dining hall. The sight we saw almost made me laugh. Pidge was held mid air by her waist in Keith's arms, growling like a savage animal. Lance was on the floor with a terrified face, being dragged by his hoodie backwards by Hunk. Matt stood in the middle, his hands open to both of them. Lance spotted both us, quickly getting up and sprinting with all his might. "GUYS PROTECT ME!" He shouted hiding behind us with hunk. "Let me at him" Pidge growled.

"What happened?" Shiro asked in his father mode. "I called her a brat, and she started coming after me" Lance screamed close to tears. "That's not all he did" Pidge yelled squirming in Keith's hands like a child. "What did you do?" I ask in my mother tone. "I may have taken a picture of her and Keith together" Lance said through sobs. "Pidge, he's all yours" I say, "what?!?" More tears streamed down his face. Keith dropped Pidge in an instant and she was running for him. Him and Hunk screamed like little girls and ran out the room and down the halls.

Pidge straightened up, an award winning smile on her face. She patted her hands, cleaning her hands from invisible dust. We all have her confused looks. "What? I just wanted to scare him. I'll delete the picture later" she shrugged it off. We all started laughing.

*Time Skip*

Pidge POV
I sat on my bed, with my laptop. I cracked my knuckles and my neck for good measure. "Time to mess with Lance" I say as I get comfortable. I hacked into his phone and start going through his photos. I came across a whole FILE with pictures of us both. I flipped through them, what? I can be curious. I saw pictures before the "incident" I don't like thinking about that part of my life. I thought if I could say I didn't remember I would forget myself and make it easier. But it didn't. I looked through the other photos, and found one with Lance, Hunk, and I still in the Garrison (photo above) I started crying. I couldn't help it.

I shook myself out of all the emotions, I backed up all the photos of Keith and I...for personal reasons. Also, the photo of us three. And deleted the file. I heard a scream come from down the hall. I smiled to myself as banging ensued on my door, quickly forgetting the emotions.

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