Chapter 1

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The paladins had entered the lions den (a galra ship not an actual den lol) they had snuck aboard to find more information on galra prisoner transportational routes,in an attempt to find Pidge's father more affectively. They were following a map on Shiro's arm that Allura programed in. "Katie..." A soft whisper only Pidge heard, "guys did you here that?" Pidge asked but the team didn't hear her since they were much farther up then she was since she stopped and was now in a fighting stance. "Katie..." She heard it a little louder this time the voice sounded familiar "Matt? What are you doing here I thought you were still on the castle". "Katie..." It sounded as if Matt was in pain this time "hold on Matt I'm coming"Pidge said going down the opposite hallway her team was going. "Ok we're almost there" Shiro stated,"wait where is Pidge?" Hunk asked the team notice that the smallest paladin was no longer with them. "Wait let me see if I can track her helmet" Shiro said "it should be down the opposite hallway we took the first door on the left..." Shiro was cut off by Keith sprinting down the hall to go find Pidge. 'Please be ok' he kept repeating in his mind while he ran as fast as his body could carry him but he wanted to go faster like Tenya Lida on boku no my hero academia (an anime Pidge made him watch with her). When he reached the hallway he kept running until he was half way down when he noticed small drops of blood on the metal floor he stood there looking at it until the others caught up to him. "KEITH!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! You can't just run off like that!" Lance barked at Keith panting still out of breath,"hello...Earth to Keith...what are you staring at?..." Lance looked at the floor and noticed the blood as well. "Should we follow it?" Hunk asked "yes!" Keith said jogging this time so his friends could follow him it lead him to the room were the tracker said she would be. Keith opened the door and was shocked to see a small puddle of blood with a cracked green helmet,Keith slumped to the floor leaning on the door way that's when the others saw what he found. "Guys, we're taking heavy fire I'm opening a worm hole in 7 ticks" Allura yelled in the comms "copy that" Shiro said sadly but Allura didn't notice because she was a bit preoccupied at the moment. "Keith we have to go..." Shiro was once again cut off by Keith mumbleing "No", that's when the other three boys pulled him away from the door way and back to where they were hiding the lions. They were flew into the worm whole when they noticed the green lion flying back to the castle as well,"hey guys look!" Lance said excitedly "maybe she made it out after all" hunk said with a smile on his face,Keith had hoped they were right. As soon as they landed they ran to the green lions hanger they had checked inside the cockpit but didn't find Pidge,they ran into the control room of the castle "have you seen Pidge?" Keith said distraught and out of breath. "Why want happened?" Matt asked worried for his little sisters safety "Allura check to see if she's in the castle" Shiro said with breaths in between words. "The scanners are not picking up any other heat signatures other then us and the lions" Allura said with a worry tone of voice, "what happened on that mission" Matt said aggressively turning to the four remaining paladins. "They took her" Keith spoke up as soon as he said this the alarms went off and a video call came on the big screen "we have something of yours" Haggar said in a raspy voice "don't come I'll be alright!" Pidge yelled in the back ground "shut up" said a galra soldier with a loud thump afterwards. "If you lay another hand on her..." Keith was cut off by Haggar laughing "you'll do what kill me? You don't even know where we are, I called to say one thing...let the games begin"Haggar said with an evil laugh and a smirk when the call suddenly ended. Keith slammed his hand on his desk he was filled with rage now "Keith calm down"Shiro stepped forward trying to comfort Keith "CALM DOWN!!! That witch has her!" Keith yelled at Shiro tears whealing up on the corners of his eyes as he ran and locked himself in his room. *that was a long ass chapter but the pilot always has to be long,anyways I will try and update often but I have school so I don't know how this is gonna work anyways I hope you enjoyed* ~Jay

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