pandemics and privelage

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This pandemic is basically,

A traffic light.

And we just so happen to be,

The car.

(Go on, you can laugh.

But I'm serious.)

It's red light has brought the world to a stop.

If you run it,

You put yourself at risk of dying.

If you survive,


(Just don't do it again,

You might not be so lucky the next time.)

At its yellow light,

You slow down,

Take precaution.

It's also the time when you

Check your doors

To see if they're locked.

To make sure you're safe inside.

When the light turns green,

It's go time.

You rev the engine to move,

Maybe in a different direction,

Maybe the same,

But, which ever way you go,

You do it


You've avoided a possible accident,

You're safe,

To not be cocky the next time and run a red light,

To slow down,

And to appreciate the fact that you have a car in the first place.

It's teaching us to understand the simple privileges we had were exactly that. 


No matter how big or how small.

It is something that can be easily taken away,

Just as easily as it was given.


Until we understand that,

The whole world is in a traffic jam,



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