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Scrub my skin

Until it burns

You knock at the door

My stomach churns


I scramble to hide

The evidence in my room

To cover up the holes in the walls

A way to escape my inevitable doom


I pull at my hair

To block out the pain

Although free to move

I feel like I'm in chains


You can't blame me

For feeling this way

Being sad and angry and not knowing why

Feeling tired of living another lonely day


Not when you're so quick to judge

Tell me I don't know what I'm talking about

Little do you know how hard it is to resist the nagging urge

To let the words rip from my throat in a strangled shout


Instead I scrub my hands and wipe off the grime

Cover any traces of my own struggle

Smiling, I open the door to let you inside

But you don't realize you're walking over the well hidden rubble


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