Start from the beginning

"Do it, Draco! Now!" Bellatrix yelled.

"No," Snape said, announcing his presence. All eyes turned to him, and I saw Dumbledore glance down at Harry and I.

"Severus," Dumbledore said quietly. "Please..."

Before anyone could move anymore, Snape raised his wand. "Avada Kedavra."

I gasped, but it was covered by the sound of the green flash of light hitting Dumbledore. He went flying over the edge of the tower, falling out of view.

No, I thought. No. This isn't real. Dumbledore will pop back up any second now, and get rid of the Death Eaters. We'll all be safe and he'll be back-

But that wasn't so. Harry was gripping my arm so tight that his fingers were white, and I was bound to have bruises after. Bellatrix went to the edge of the tower and let out a yell, flourishing her wand and sending the Dark Mark up into the sky.

Harry and I ducked out of view as the group of Death Eaters came down the stairs. Draco looked shocked and in misery as he was dragged along by his aunt. A silent agreement passed through Harry and I, and we both took off after them.

No one else was in the halls, but they were bound to be soon enough when they heard everything going on. Harry and I passed the Great Hall, and saw that all the windows, plates, and cups had been smashed.

I didn't care. Dumbledore would fix it later, as soon as he got back from the tower. He would have to.

But, no, he wouldn't He was gone. He was gone and he wouldn't be casting a simple spell to fix everything because his body was lying somewhere and it would not move anymore.

We ran out of the castle, through the courtyard, and down by the forest. I heard sobs, and it took me a moment to realize it was me who was making them.

Harry and I raced wordlessly after the group of Death Eaters, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. The group paused by Hagrid's hut as Bellatrix set it on fire, only causing me more anger and pain.

"Snape!" Harry yelled. "He trusted you!"

Bellatrix turned and hit Harry and I back with a spell, but Snape stopped her from doing anymore. "Don't! Leave them to the Dark Lord."

I stood quickly and turned to Draco, who was standing nearby, tear tracks visible on his face. As Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters carried on, and Snape and Harry fought, I slowly walked towards Draco, my wand raised at him.

"Serpent Girl," He breathed, and I glared at him and waved my wand, making his wand come flying into my hand. "I had to!" Draco yelled at me. "Or else he was going to kill me!"
"But you didn't!" I yelled back, sobbing right after. "You were lowering your wand," I said in a lower voice, not wanting the other Death Eaters to hear. Because I still, after everything, wanted to protect him.

Draco was shaking his head, crying as well, now.

"Draco, last year you had a choice. Your father held you at wand point! You chose me. You chose my side. You chose good!" I exclaimed, biting my lip to stop more tears. "You can do it again!"

"No, I can't!" He argued. "When my father was taken away, I was left to protect my mother and I. I wasn't ready for that! I did what I had to do to survive! And I'm still doing that, can't you see?"

"You can survive," I walked closer so I was right in front of him, "With me! The only reason I survived against Voldemort last year was because of love! Because of my love for you and your love for me! Don't you still love me?"

"Of course I do!" Draco stepped closer, but stopped himself. "And that's why I'm doing what I'm doing." He pulled my ring I had given him out of his pocket, and slid his own off his finger. He took my hand and dropped the rings into it. "This is over, Giovanna."

"Stop it," I shook my head. "Don't go down this path, Draco." I cried. "Don't be who your father is. You are so much more."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not." He looked at me, tears in his blue-grey eyes. "And I really wish you'd see that for yourself. I wish you could see through your love and see the truth. I'm afraid, Giovanna. And I'm not as brave as you think I am."

"You are! You are brave," I tried.

"No, I'm not." He leaned forward to kiss my cheek one last time. "I love you. And that's why I need you to stay safe and not go after me. That's why I'm ending this."

"Draco, please," I pleaded, my voice breaking and tears flowing. "I need you. I love you."

"You may love me," he shook his head, "but you don't need me. You need Harry, and you need to survive. Because everyone else in our world needs you. Including me."

And that's when something switched in me. Something changed and I knew it wasn't good. My heart was hurting more than it had ever before.

"This isn't goodbye. Love saved me, and it can save you too. I know you. I know there's good in you, Draco. And I won't stop until you see that for yourself." My face hardened and I watched as Draco was pulled away by Snape.

I watched until he disappeared from view.

§ § §

i want to make something very clear about giovanna in this section. she is not weak, she is not acting stupid, and she's not acting immature. she is something that she has never been before. she is hopeless. hopeless, defenseless, heartbroken, and at a loss. she just lost dumbledore, and now she's lost the love of her life down a path she tried so hard not to get him to go down. she is crazed with the thought that their love is powerful above everything else, which it is, but draco just hasn't realized it. she's not weak, she's just holding on to the last shred of hope she has.

i also want to talk about draco. as of right now, his father is locked up in azkaban. his father, who, we might not want to admit, is his hero. he's scared of him and hates him but he also lives to please him. he has ever since he was a kid- even jk rowling has said that. so when his father is taken, he become the man of the family at a young age without any preparation or warning. he is doing his best to protect his mother and himself, even if it means making all the wrong choices.

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