.06 falling into your ocean eyes

Start from the beginning

After a few misfires and another successful catch by yours truly, our turn was almost over.

Next, a blue gopher-looking thing streamlined through the air, clearly denser than most of the other toys. I had the perfect catch lined up. With a quick jump, I placed my hands out to grasp it. Instead of the victory, a cold, wet blob hit my face with an assertive smack!

"Courtney, did you get a face shot?" asked Matt from afar.

"My head caught it!" I groaned indignantly. I took off my sunglasses to remove the sticky residual. It's opaque, goey consistency was clung to my cheek. "Ew, what is this? Like, milk?"

No one cared to answer, leaving me to assume the worst. With that chilling thought, we were down to the last two throws. Olivia managed to catch the last snake of the batch, bringing the score up to 4-2 in our favor.

The production crew signaled for us to switch teams. I made my way towards the sidelines, eager to catch a break. Shayne smiled at me in passing, pausing for a moment.

"Damn, Court. Can't believe that toxic waste ferret bitch-slapped you,"  he teased.

"I can't a catch a break from you, but I can damn well catch a plastic snake from the sky," I retorted, grinning. With a poke in his side for good measure, I retreated to the sideline. My heart skipped a beat as he laughed loudly at my response.

Though we were allowed to leave the shoot, Kimmy, Joven, Wes and I decided to watch the rest of the game play out. It was the best way to support our teammates, and heaven knew our team needed all the support it could get. We stood animatedly, eager to watch the events unfold.

Shayne began to do a hapzard dance on field, jumping and flailing his hands on anticipation. I snorted loudly. That stupid boy.

"Nice," Wes chuckled next to me. "Haven't heard a classic Court Bourt snort in a minute."

"Shut up," I dismissed, grinning at my former roommates' teasing. He merely smiled in return.

As we continued to go through the rounds, I chortled at Shayne's obvious struggle. His athletic ability was clearly not doing him any favors for this game. It was almost comforting to know that he wasn't good at absolutely everything.

The remaining rounds flew by all too quickly. Lasercorn managed to snatch a toy from Shayne's grasp, taunting him about his useless muscles after. Ian and Matt had good bit about Matt's shallow releases. Ian also successfully caught two snakes in one round, which was seemed to be a standout moment. He also kept tickling people, but that was familiar behavior.

Shayne continued to scramble during each catch, giving up his efforts after a certain point. As I continued to laugh at his floundering on the field, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"Hey," Kimmy half-whispered, a nervous smile gracing her features. "This is going to sound so cringy, but can I ask you something?"

I shrugged. "Sure, what's up?" I asked, eyes still watching the field.

"Um... oh, man, how do say this? Well, I know you and Shayne are pretty close, and I was wondering if you knew anything about his love life."

Her question made my heart stop momentarily. Shock radiated my system. I ripped my gaze away from the game. "What?" I sputtered.

"Oh, wow, I am so bad at this. I'm sorry," she laughed nervously. Kimmy took a deep breath to reframe her thoughts.

"I've been talking to Shayne a little bit more over these last couple days, and I think he's a great guy. I know you guys are super close, so I was wondering if you thought it would be a good idea for me to see if there was any potential to move things forward, um, romantically speaking," she asked with hopeful eyes.

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