ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart

Start from the beginning

It had already been a morning now, and Lucrecia was sincerely beginning to worry about the well-being of her friend. It wasn't her kind of acting so cold, detached. She barely seemed to recognize her.

She let a faint sigh pass her lips as she approached her bed before placing her hand on Freya's.

The brunette turned her head at the sudden contact before looking at their hand with an unreadable expression.

However, her gaze soon fell again on her ankle wrapped under the covers. A huge plaster covering her feet to her knee.

She swallowed as she could barely feel her foot before turning her head back to the windows as she pulled her hand under Lucrecia's. She didn't need to be comforted right now. She just needed to be alone. She had ruined everything. Her future. Her career. Everything was done for her. All these years of sacrifice and hard work had been for nothing. It had only taken a moment for her to be left with nothing. She no longer had any prospects for the future.

From the age of eight, she had always had one goal. Thinking of only one idea. Become the ballerina who would surpass everyone. And for a moment, she believed it. But it was all over because of a fucking fight. If only she hadn't gotten involved. If only she hadn't let her feelings guide her.

Her father had been right from the start. Feelings always complicated everything. And in Freya's case they destroyed her life.

Suddenly the door to her room opened, leaving her entire family and Lucrecia to straighten up at the sight of the surgeon who had operated on her, entering.

"Freya Bjørkaas."He hailed with an enthusiastic smile before shaking the hand of the brunette's father lying on the bed, motionless."You must be her parents. I'm Dr. Angelò Hayek. I'm the one who operated on your daughter. It was quite a torn ligament."

Freya curtly turned her head towards the man who was a little too cheerful for her taste regarding her situation. A fact shared by her father as he cleared his throat before crossing his arms over his chest, seriously.

"Right. Let's get down to business then."He said as he walked over to Freya's bed to speak to her directly, letting Lucrecia take a step back in anxiety. She felt Luis put his hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her while comforting himself."I read in your file that you're a dancer, correct?"

Freya just nodded while swallowing before giving an almost hateful look at her bandaged foot."Yeah, I was."

"I see."He nodded, nodding his head as he took her file to inspect it quickly before quickly browsing through the latest reports on her condition."Alright. I have two news for you. Good and bad. Which do you prefer first?"

Luis arched an eyebrow with an irritated scoff."Seriously?"

The doctor looked at her family as well as the brunette with the same impatient expression as Freya before nodding his head with pursed lips."Right. The bad then. The operation you underwent is not without consequences. As my colleague has already mentioned, such a fall with your ankle already injured would risk your career. I doubt you will be able to dance again for a long time, Freya."

Freya nibbled on her bottom lip as she could feel the tears rushing behind her eyes. Almost immediately she felt Carmen take her hand in hers as Lucrecia walked over to her bed to try to show her presence.

Freya already knew all that. Only hearing it out loud was enough to send her further into this corner of total despair.

It was the job of a lifetime. So many years lost.

"But she can dance again, right?"Intervene Sandvik capturing all the attention, including that of Freya."If she undergoes special rehabilitation with the best specialists. After all, she is still young."

Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE ~ Valerio MontesinosWhere stories live. Discover now