xiii. Small society of adults

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Society-The problem is, we glorify the wrong things and take the right things for granted.

After Saturday party, Freya was not particularly happy to return to Las Encinas

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After Saturday party, Freya was not particularly happy to return to Las Encinas. She had put several people on her back that evening and she was not sure that she wanted to see Valerio again so soon after what she had seen.

Nevertheless she crossed the automatic double doors with her chin raised despite the remains of aches still present along her body. Unsurprisingly, Denitseï had made her work two more hours. It was not surprising after she told her that she still wanted Odette's part.

Nevertheless, part of herself was satisfied. Soothed even to have found her bearings.

It may have been sad and pathetic, but Freya had absolutely no idea what she would do without her father's dance and teachings. It was everything she had ever known.

Hence the reason why she had so easily relapsed into the spiral of dance. Maybe she could understand Valerio better than she thought.

After all, wasn't life a long succession of addictions?

Anyway, Freya's whole life was.

However, she didn't want to see the same thing destroy someone she liked. Especially not Valerio.

She did not know when she accepted the fact that she sincerely appreciated the boy. But the facts remained the same. She greatly appreciated Valerio. She cared about him, about his well-being.

That was probably why she couldn't be with him.

If Freya had learned anything from all these hard training and hours of dance and pain, it was that she was far too passionate to love someone. She couldn't do without him anymore. It would end just like another of her addictions.

Freya was well aware of who she was.

That's why she couldn't get closer to Valerio. She had to focus on that fleeting feeling of anger. Because if she tried to figure it out, she was really scared of the results.

She swallowed at the mere thought before finally opening her locker. She hastened to take the textbooks she would need for the periods to come.

However, it was not long before she paused at the hearing of high heels slamming against the floor. She wrinkled her lips, taking a deep breath in anticipation before closing her locker just to meet the stern and frustrated gaze of Lucrecia.

"You abandoned me at the party."

Freya lifted her head to face the brunette before shrugging."I don't know what to tell you, Lucrecia."

"Why don't you start by telling me what's wrong with you?" Immediately resumed the frustrated brunette."I thought we had gone beyond that."

"Go beyond that?" Freya repeated with a scoff before giving Lu a sharp look."And if we were really honest for once? Huh? Am I really the only one having problems right now?"

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