ACT TWO/iii. University Day

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"I still can't believe this kid could have humiliated her family like this

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"I still can't believe this kid could have humiliated her family like this."

Freya ignored the little talk.

She was just playing distractedly with her meatballs hoping to end this boring family dinner.

Even more so when her mother kept bragging about having won her case. Carla is said to have reconsidered her testimony. Like that, overnight.

Unfortunately it was the last problem on her list.

At the top of the list was Valerio.

She nibbled on the inside of her cheek as she found herself worrying again about his homelessness despite herself. She just hoped that there was enough humanity left in Lucrecia for her to come to his aid.

"So your birthday is a month away, Luís." Carmen announced suddenly, allowing Freya to give her brother a quick look. The latter met her eyes before turning to Carmen to her question."Do you want to do something in particular?"

"Do you think that's really what he should be thinking about right now?" Sandvik intervened letting Freya shake her head as she spun her spaghetti around her fork."Recruiters are coming to his school tomorrow. They should be training rather than thinking about partying."

Suddenly, Freya put her fork on her plate in an overflow before getting up suddenly with a hypocritical smile."Dad is right. I've finished eating. I'm going to go practice."

With that, she took her plate still half full before leaving the table under the bewildered looks of her parents. Conversely, Luís followed her back away with a worried look. He immediately withdrew his towel placed on his thighs to put it on the table before getting up in turn.

"If you allow me, I will also withdraw." Luís said as he hurried to get up with his plate before quickly joining his sister in the kitchen. The latter is currently vacuum-packing the rest of her dinner."You want to tell me what concerns you?"

Freya put her plate in the fridge before closing it, giving a brief side look at her brother."Not really, no."

She took a bottle of water from the fridge before moving affectionately towards her little brother. She forced a tiny smile on her lips before heading for the stairs. She went up absently before finally stopping in her room. She closed the door behind her before releasing a deep sigh.



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