Chapter 18: I Promise

Start from the beginning

"Not hungry"

"I'll cook for you. What do you want?"

"Mumbo, don't waste food. I'm fine"

Mumbo pressed his lips together in the way he always did when Grian refused his help.

"Well, I'm almost done making lunch for myself, so let me know if you want anything"

Grian nodded indifferently, fully aware that Mumbo would come back with twice as much food as he could actually eat, and convince Grian to finish it as to not cause a waste.

As Mumbo's footsteps faded towards the kitchen, Grian took the opportunity of privacy to untie the strings of his mask and let his skin breath for a few minutes. Really the only downside to having Mumbo staying with him was having to keep his face covered inside his own home. His clay masks weren't uncomfortable, but they were heavy, and wore down on his nose and cheekbones, rubbing painfully on his scars and giving him dull, throbbing headaches.

Grian ran his fingers down the left side of his face, his chest clenching painfully as they brushed the nerve-dead lesions on his temple, and then the jagged irregular cicatrix that branched around his eye.

All bless the lord of chaos...

"Uh, Grian... I think I made too much food" Mumbo's warbled voice drifted through the open door.

Grian rolled his eyes and retied the mask over his face. He stood and strode into the kitchen, crossing his arms in response to Mumbo's bashful expression.


"It was an accident!"

Grian scoffed.

"Sure it was. If you're going to lie, don't repeat the same story every time"

The tall God laughed self-consciously, his ears dusting with pink as Grian pulled out a chair for him.

"Thank you"

"Shut up"

Mumbo grinned.


"Ok ready? Let's try again"

Grian twirled his wooden dagger between his fingers, waiting, as always, for his opponent to make the first strike.

Mumbo followed his movements around the clearing, and Grian could feel the eyes on his back as he strolled between the trees, even going as far as to whistle a simple melody in reply to the robins watching the couple from the branches above.

He could hear Mumbo's shoes padding the damp earth beneath them, and allowed him to get close enough that Grian could see the second shadow approaching before turning on his heel.

Mumbo reached out to grab his shoulder, which was easily dodged by the shorter man.

Grian smirked as Mumbo stumbled forwards and grabbed onto the back of the tall God's collar.

He choked and quickly twisted around and pulled his arms from his suit jacket so Grian was left standing with the clothing hanging from his arm like a living coat rack.

Grian moved to toss the jacket over Mumbo's head and obstruct his vision, but his counterpart caught it mid air, tangling the small God's hands in the fabric and holding them over his head.

Mumbo clutched his "dagger" tighter and thrust it towards Grian's chest.


Grian chuckled and simply fell to the ground, his weight dragging Mumbo's body forward, throwing him off balance and allowing Grian to free his hands.

"Not quite"

Mumbo grinned as he threw the jacket to the side and approached again, this time with renewed vigor.

The two God's threw jabs back and forth, neither able to get a clear shot or take the other to the ground.

After several minutes of tussling, Mumbo managed to grab onto Grian's left hand and pin it behind his back. Grian tried to twist away, but Mumbo simply snaked his right arm around Grian's left shoulder, locking them in place so that they were pressed together with Grian's right arm trapped between their chests.

Grian felt his opponent's "dagger" poke his neck and looked up into Mumbo's triumphant face.

"I win"

The small God grinned and looked down at where their bodies were connected. His right hand, which gripped his "dagger" forcefully, was pressing the stick directly between Mumbo's fourth and fifth ribs.

"More like a tie"

Mumbo's eyes widened as he looked down, and he began to laugh. The sweet uproarious pealing reverberated in Grian's body, and the small God couldn't help but join in, his face crinkling as he relaxed himself in Mumbo's embrace.

"Good job Mumbo Jumbo" he giggled as their hysterics died down. "You almost got me"

Mumbo smiled as he met Grian's gaze, the pupils of his dark eyes blown wide.

"Yeah, almost"

He loosened his grip, and Grian pulled away, frowning in confusion as his heart rebelled the lack of contact.

"You did, uh, you did well. You can probably defend yourself pretty well now"

Mumbo nodded distractedly, his eyes not leaving Grian's for a single moment.

"Yeah... yeah... w-will I get a real dagger now?"

Grian chuckled.

"As real as mine is"

Mumbo's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

Grian pulled his dagger from his belt and held it out.

"It's not real Mumbo, it's just made to look that way"

Mumbo's jaw went slack as he took the weapon from the small God, turning it over in his hands as he studied it closely.

"But... you... why?"

"Because killing a human is forbidden" Grian explained, crossing his arms. "Only the God of Death is allowed to take souls. I thought you knew this"

Mumbo shook his head, and Grian blew air out sharply.

"Well thank Gods I told you, that could've been really bad"

He took Mumbo's hand, making the tall God's breath hitch and look up with wide eyes.

"Promise me you won't kill a human" Grian said, his gaze deathly serious. "They will most likely run away if they feel the dagger anywhere near their heart or throat, but no matter what they do, do not kill them. Promise me"

Mumbo glanced down at where their hands were joined, his face flooding with color as he gulped.

"I p-promise. I promise"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you did please consider leaving a like and a comment to let me know what you think, and prepare yourself for the next update, cause sh*ts gonna go down.

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