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We get to the ice rink and it is packed with people from all age groups, kids, teens, adults, and some pensioners. I get serious anxiety in overcrowded places and add in the fact that I don't gel well with the ice rink, yeah recipe for disaster!

I tell my sister to text Asher while I try looking around to see if I can spot them. Out of nowhere, I see Asher donned Jeans, a leather biker jacket, and Nike sneakers heading our way. He stops before us and gives each of us a hug in greeting and proceeds to drag our hands to where the rest of his family is.

"So are you one of those people that are scared of the cold or..." Asher asks, and he lets his question hang there, I mock glare at him because it's apparent that he is making fun of my winter attire in summer.

"You laugh now but you won't be laughing when you're all wet because of falling on the ice repeatedly and I'll be the one laughing then." I turn and walk away and hear them yelling for me after I've taken about three steps.

Asher yells out, "We are going that way." He points in the opposite direction I'm going. I roll my eyes at him and wave my hand for him to lead the way.

When we get to his family I notice all of them giving me funny looks, I guess I understand because it's scorching hot outside, but I couldn't wear something light because I had to think about the fall onto the ice.

"My sister has the flu so she's feeling a bit cold, hence the attire." My sister says to the group at large and I'm so mortified because now no one will want to get close to me scared of being infected, so I clarify that untruth, "I don't have the flu, I'm just feeling...cold." I say smiling maybe a bit too much.

"Guys this is Stephanie and her sister Jenna." Asher introduces us to his family and we get hellos from everyone Asher proceeds to give us the names of everyone in the group, "On the left is Ethan and his friend..." he leaves the sentences hanging because I'm assuming he forgot her name and I'm right because she supplies the ending for his sentence,

"It's Suzy and I'm his girlfriend." She says looking adorably at Ethan, yeah girl I don't think that's reciprocated.

Asher continues with the rest of his introductions and I find out that among the rest of his family are Mickey his eldest brother and his wife Libby and Jack his second oldest brother and his wife Tawni. They all seem pretty nice, well, except for Suzy who has complained about everything since I got here, and we haven't even started skating yet, that is a serious eye-roll moment right there.

We go to pay for our tickets and Asher against our wishes insists on paying for our tickets, my sister is so eager to get on the ice and forget all about her problems that she doesn't put up much of a fight.

Everyone is getting on the ice and I linger in the back waiting for all of them to get on the ice and hoping that I can get away with not skating.

However, I'm not so lucky because Suzy screeches from beside me, "I'm not getting on the ice and falling, possibly getting wet!" everyone just rolls their eyes at her and now I feel guilty because I share her sentiments it's just that her approach in voicing her thoughts was wrong.

Damn now I have to get into the ice otherwise I'll look like a diva like Suzy. I get on the ice gently and close to the wall and even then, I don't walk far from the entrance. I see that most of the people from our party are farther out on the ice, so I make my way back to the entrance/exit to leave the rink.

I feel a hand on my arm and I turn to see who it is and am met face to face with Asher. "I'm just going to sit down for a little bit," I say hoping that he lets it go but again luck is not on my side today.

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