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Xiaojun is waiting outside the university that Hendery attends. The last time that they meet up, they both agreed on eating lunch together. Xiaojun didn't mention it to his friends, so when he told them that he can't eat lunch with them, they got upset and questioned him about it until Hendery's name slipped out of his mouth. They stopped whining and teased him instead.

Xiaojun saw Hendery with Ten and two unfamiliar males going out the gate, he felt a bit of jealousy when he saw that the really tall man of the group and Hendery looks really close by the way that they're holding each other. Xiaojun decided to shrug it off, maybe they're just really close friends, but he can't deny the feeling inside of him watching the two males.

Hendery saw the familiar car and waved at it, his friends mirroring his action even though they don't know why Hendery is doing that. Xiaojun let out a deep nervous sigh first before going off the vehicle. He can clearly see the smiles on Hendery and Ten's lips as he approach them.

Hendery slip out of the tall man's hold and immediately attacked Xiaojun with a big hug, in which the elder returned soon. The younger pulled him to the others that all have the teasing look on their face.

Hendery linked his arm with Xiaojun's as they stood in front of them, "Guys this is Xiaojun, he's the guy that I'm talking about." Xiaojun blushed, he felt shy and happy when Hendery mentioned that he talks about him to his friends.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yangyang." the said male introduced himself, offering his hand to the other, Xiaojun accepted it, shaking it gently. "Hello! I'm Lucas." the tall man said full of energy, he excitedly offered his hand next, hoping that Xiaojun would accept it too. Xiaojun stared at his hands, it's the same one that he used when he was holding Hendery earlier. He accepted it, squeezing it lightly, enough to make the other know of what Xiaojun felt earlier. Lucas let go of his hand with an awkward smile and went to Yanyang's to attempt to hide, in which he truly failed.

"Where's Kun?" Ten asked, hoping that the male is with him. "He's with Sicheng." Xiaojun answered, and Ten's hopeful smile immediately dropped. Xiaojun noticed it, "Don't worry, you're still the one that makes him smile, blush and actually use his phone." He assured the elder, watching as how his smile went back again, more wider this time.

"Well, I guess he can't resist the one and only Ten." Ten said, flipping his hair, receiving laughs from the others. "We're gonna get going now, enjoy yourselves, love birds." Ten said, pulling the other two males with him as he wave them goodbye. Hendery blushed at the words and Xiaojun cheekily smiled.

He led the younger to back seat of the car, opening the door for him. Hendery mumbled a thank you, still shy from what his friend called them. Xiaojun closed the door and went to the other side, sitting next to the younger.

"So, did you decide on where we're gonna go?" Hendery asked, finally got himself together. "Bold of you to assume that I decided on where we're gonna go." Xiaojun answered him, regretting that he didn't plan for today. "How about you?" Xiaojun asked him, thinking that maybe the younger asked him first before telling his. "Bold of you to assume that I assumed you to assume me to decide on where we're gonna go." Hendery asked. A few seconds of staring at each other on silence happened before they both lost it and laugh, really hard.

They both calmed down and catch their breaths first, "Do you have somewhere in mind though?" Xiaojun asked him, and Hendery nodded. "We can go to a coffee shop, if that's okay with you?" Xiaojun thought about it for a moment, but soon agreed to the suggestion. Well if that's what Hendery wants, that's what Hendery gets.

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