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Hendery woke up, he opened his eyes and blinks repeatedly to adjust his eyes to the light. He scanned the room and realized that he's not in his apartment. He abruptly rose up from lying down and turned to his right to see the sleeping man beside him.

He stared at him for some few minutes, he looks so peaceful while sleeping. Hendery had the urge to kiss him, just like how it happened from Sleeping Beauty and Snow White.

But he can't, he just met the man and he's still not sure about his feelings towards him. Especially the other's feelings towards him.

Xiaojun groans, Hendery turned his attention away so that the elder won't know that he was staring. Xiaojun opened his eyes and saw Hendery facing the other way.

He slowly sat up, not wanting to scare Hendery. "Did I wake you up?" Hendery suddenly asked him, he faced Xiaojun and gave him a smile. "Oh, I thought you didn't know I was awake." Xiaojun gave him a smile back, "No you didn't, but it's pretty late. Why are you awake?"

Hendery chuckled, "You're awake too you know." His eyes suddenly looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it's currently 1:27 a.m. He immediately stood up and picked up his belongings, sliding on his shoes. Xiaojun just stared at him, debating himself if he should ask Hendery to stay for the night- or morning.

"I need to go." Hendery told him, "Ten might suspect something." Xiaojun nodded, "I'll tell a driver to drive you home." Hendery thanked him, making his way to the door.

"Oh I almost forgot," Hendery turned back around, "Ten asked me for this." Xiaojun told him to go on and Hendery slowly took his phone out from his pocket. "Can I get Kun's number?" He asked Xiaojun, obeying the favor that Ten asked him to do. Xiaojun was confused for a moment, why would Ten want his friend's number? He can't just give the male's number away. But an idea went through his mind, he doesn't want to betray the elder but he really wants to hang out with Hendery more now. He smirked and took his phone from his bedside table, "Only if I can get yours in exchange."

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