Yᴏᴜ ғᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴍᴇ [Lucio X F.R]

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Art: twitter: @NatalyLanier tumblr: nataly-lanier insta: natalylanier DeviantArt: Natalliel

I sit on the balcony, looking over the garden and occasionally taking small sips from my warm cup of tea. It was so relaxing I was about to close my eyes for good, but of course the moment had to be interrupted by something, or rather someone. "Y/NNN!" Lucio's voice echoed from inside the palace. I sigh, wrinkling my forehead in the process. Could he not let me enjoy my tea for one minute? I put down the half emptied cup and get up. I turn to start looking for him, but it seems like he already found me." There you are. I've been looking for you aaaaall over." He says, pouting and totally exaggerating. "What's the matter? Did something happen?" He sighs, crossing his arms on the railing and laying his head on top. He was totally out of it. "No! That's exactly my problem.. Nothing interesting has happened today and I'm bored.." He whines and I sigh. "So you thought I might have an idea for you?" I ask and he looks up at me with a smile. "Partially yes, but I also wanted to spend time together. Maybe we could do something fun?" He says and I shake my head with a grin. "Oh Lucio, what would you do without me." I say and walk over to him, crossing my arms on the railing, mimicking him. I get up close to his face and he smirks. But before he can catch my lips I pull away, earning a groan from him. "Hey." He says and I chuckle. "You have to catch me first~" I say, pointing my tongue at him and disappearing into the hallway. "If you can find me!" I shout and hear him scramble to his feet, his footsteps getting closer. I smile as I slip into the shadows of the hall, waiting in the corner until he passes me in a rush. He wears a smirk, confident he'll find me. I see him turn around the corner and hear his distant voice addressing me. "But no magic, that's cheating!" I smile to myself and shrug. I tiptoe back onto the balcony and rush down the stairs with light steps. Even if he turns back, it'll take him a while to get here since he's walking in the opposite direction. With a grin I run into the maze, taking cover between the big hedges. I try to look for a good spot to hide, but the maze isn't the best place for that and I notice that a little bit too late. I stop in my tracks as I hear footsteps entering the maze. I bite my lip and quickly look for the path out to the fountain. "Shit..Where was it again?" I mumble under my breath and hear the footsteps getting closer. I run around one of the hedges and "Fantastic!" I say ironically as I reach a deadend. The person is even closer now and all I can do now is wait until he finds me. I cross my arms and wait, until he turns around the corner and I stare, like a deer caught in headlights. To my surprise it's not Lucio, but Julian. He's just as surprised as me. "Jules, what are you doing here?" He laughs nervously and looksk off into the distance, avoiding my eyes. "Oh, ah nothing, I was just.." Before he can finish, another voice speaks up. "Y/N?" Asra appears from behind him and Julian blushes, looking at the ground. Oh so that's how it is. I smirk at the both of them and chuckle. "It's fine, I won't tell a soul that you secretly meet up here~" I say and Asra chuckles, leaning on Julian's shoulder. "Thanks. And what about you? Got something to hide here too?" He asks and I shake my head. "Of course not, I love Lucio. We're actually playing a game of hide and seek. Oh!" I get a brilliant idea and smile at the both of them. "Maybe you could help me out?" They share a side glance and look back at me with a nod.

-Lucio's Pov-

I walk around the palace grounds, but no sign of my beloved anywhere. I'm getting quite aggravated as an idea pops into my head. "The gardens!" I exclaim. Of course, I haven't checked there yet! I smile as I make my way towards the maze. What a smart little thing she is. I like it when she plays hard to get. I walk into the maze, looking around ever corner until I see Asra, leaning against one of the hedges, probably enjoying the weather or something. "Asra, have you seen Y/N?" I ask him and he opens one of his eyes. "Why? She already run off? It's a wonder she could endure you this long." He says with a chuckle and I roll my eyes. "No, of course she wouldn't want to leave ME!" I say, posing proudly with a grin, but Asra doesn't even look at me. I sigh. "So, you saw her?" He just points in the direction of the fountain and mouths: Over there. I nod and walk past him towards the fountain. But as I get there, the only one I see is Dr. Jules, scribbling onto a piece of paper vigorously. I sigh and walk up to him. "Dr. Jules, you seen Y/N pass by here by any chance?" I ask and he looks up for a brief moment. "I think she went in the direction of the palace. Probably inside." He answers vaguely and I groan. This is starting to make me feel aggravated. I stomp off after mumbling a quick Thank you. After finally setting foot into the palace once again, I rush back and forth, searching every nook and cranny of the damn place. After what seems like forever to me I slump down at the dinner table. I literally looked at every possible room, she is nowhere to be found. My frustration slowly turns into a really uncomfortable feeling. Sadness? My thoughts swirl in my head. What if she's actually fed up with me? I remember back to when I found her enjoying her te. Should I not have disturbed her? I sigh, resting my chin on my palm. Suddenly the dining room opens and a chamberlain enters with a letter. She bows to me and I nod for her to speak up. "Count, a letter arrived for you." She says and holds it out in front of me. I don't see a name or address, so it catches my attention immediately. I grab it and open it as she leaves, bowing before closing the door. The letter doesn't say much. The only thing it says is: Have you checked the baths yet? I stare at the word.. Baths. Fucking hell, of course I didn't! Who would hide in the baths? I smile, knowing this must be my beloved Y/N's doing. I rush down the halls until reaching the door to the baths. I open it, soft steam exiting the room as I do. The sweet smell of herbs lingers in the air and I look around, finally spotting what I've been looking for all day long. There she is, sitting at the brim of the bath on the opposite side, smiling triumphantly at me. "So you've finally found me." She says, slowly sinking into the water, the fine silk cloth slipping from her body as her figure makes contact with the liquid. I can barely see her curves from the disturbance in the water but my heart fastens at the sight regardless. She truly is mesmerizing. She smirks as she slowly swims towards me. "Admit that I won~" Her voice is demanding and I gulp. "Are you sure? Cause to me it seems more like you gave up." I say, smirking back at her. Her eyes stare down at me and a mischievous smile forms on her lips.

-Pov over-

I cross my arms and lift my brows in disbelief. "Oh well. And here I thought I'd cheer you up after your downfall, but it seems like you won't need it." I say, turning my naked back to him and start putting some lotion in my hair. I can hear the fumbling of clothes and a soft tud following it. Then, the water ripples and I feel a firm hand stroke up and down my spine. The touch gives me shivers, but I don't turn to face him regardless. "Sweetie, love, darling, angel-" "Calling me those things won't get you anywhere." I say and start rinsing the bubbles out of my hair. I hear a sigh behind me and suddenly I'm embraced from behind, his strong arms holding me close to him. I can feel his muscular chest press against my back and other parts I'm too embarrassed to name. I blush and he softly touches my cheek with his golden arm, slowly pulling it so I finally face him. He's super close and before I can complain he says. "You're the only one who can make me do this." He whispers and kisses my neck sensually before speaking up again. "You won. I lost, but I'd do it over and over again if it means I can please my goddess. I adore you, Y/N." His breath warms my neck and I shudder once more, his hands starting to feel my curves up and down. I turn around, catching his lips in a fiery passion and he moans against them. As they part I wind my arms around his neck and smile. "You finally got your reward for finding me." I say, remembering this morning, him wanting to kiss me before I ran off. He smirks and trails kisses down to my neck. "Thank you. But since you made me run around all day, trying to find you, I won't let you get away with just that~" He says and I feel my body heat up as he goes down on me.

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