You Guys...

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I am literally juggling between writing four books for you guys. Of course, there's this and my PruCan, but I'm also writing my UsUk and GerIta fanfics now. I hate to post anything yet,'s your sneak peaks.

A Thousand Years (GerIta) *yes I'm fully aware the name is unoriginal. Just cut me some slack, kay?*

Heart beats fast
I stare at him, unable to believe what I was seeing. This has to be a dream. It has to be.

Colors and promises
He...he's been in front of me this whole time? How could I not see it? How could I be so blind? This whole time he's been here. He kept his promise.

How to be brave?
Tears start running down my face. Part of me wants to run. Like I always do. But I can't. I can't seem to move away.

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
I don't want to be here. I don't want to be hurt again. I don't want to love him. Why is this happening?

But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.
Suddenly the realization sinks in. This is real. He's here. He has always been here. I smile through my tears.

One step closer
He steps towards me. Just one step. But it makes all the difference.

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Say Something (UsUk) *If you can't tell, they're based off songs*

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I stare at him, waiting for him to respond. But he doesn't. He just stares at me with shock.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
I feel myself lose hope. He doesn't feel the same. I look back, and regret. I regret leaving him. Annoying him. Getting close to him. Loving him. Not making him return my feelings.

Anywhere I would've followed you
How is he so shocked? Even back then I loved him. It was a different kind of love, but still love. But things change, I guess. Though even now, if he simply said my name, I'd still come running towards him. That's never changed.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
So he isn't going to respond?...How cruel. Why am I still here? What's the point? He's not going to do anything.

And I will swallow my pride
I feel anger start to bubble up. I told him my feelings, and he won't even respond?! How is that fair?

You're the one that I love
The only one I cared for, and he does this?

And I'm saying goodbye
I walk away.

Yes. They will have da feels. Yes. The stories will NOT be tragic.

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