The Insurance Policy

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The elevator lurched into place, slowing its speed and coming to a complete stop. As it did, you felt as though your legs turned to stone, unwilling to move forward. Your whole body tensed as the door prepared to open, your heart beat slamming in your ears like a drum. Kylo glanced down at you, his hair falling into his eyes. 

"Let me do the talking." He said quietly, shifting closer to you. "You will be fine." You nodded, faking a small smile as you turned away from him, readying yourself for the sight that was about to meet your eyes. To your horror, the door hissed open, sliding sideways and revealing the room you so distinctly remembered. Again, the red walls instantly overwhelmed your senses as you stepped inside, forcing you to stare down at the floor as you crossed the threshold from the elevator. As you started to move into the giant space, you felt Kylo's presence close behind you. Very close behind you. To your amazement, you felt his hand rest at the small of your back as he walked up beside you, his eyes still focused on the center of the room. His palm rested lightly against your spine, and to anyone else it would have looked like he was leading you, like the troopers had before. But you knew that it was his way of letting you know that he was there, keeping you safe. Your heart leaped in your chest as you forced back a smile, your cheeks burning bright red. 

After a few moments, Kylo stopped abruptly, and you did the same, your face still pointed towards the ground. His hand left your back, leaving your skin cold, and he kneeled down in front of the throne, his hair flopping over his face and hiding his expression. You stayed frozen in place, terrified to move at all. You desperately didn't want to look up. You knew what was awaiting your gaze, and you winced as a feeling of nausea washed over you. But soon enough, Snoke's terrible, groggy voice filled your ears. 

"Look at me, my child." He instructed, his words dragging out like nails on a chalkboard, making you cringe with every syllable. You tightened your lips into a thin line and took in a sharp breath before finally raising your eye line to peer up at the tall, disfigured man before you, dressed in the same golden robes you remembered. He sat back in his throne in a relaxed position, his lanky arms draped over the sides. You could see his pale hands from under his sleeves, nasty grayish nails sticking out like little knives from his slender fingertips. His icy blue eyes instantly locked with yours, and you felt a cold shiver run through your body as a cruel smirk creeped over his lips. "So," He croaked, "We meet again." You nodded, although your neck felt as though it was locked in place like stone. "I told my apprentice that I needed to speak to you," He continued, his legs shifting under his robes, "To make sure that everything is sorted out."

"Supreme Leader I know she's ready." Kylo chimed in from beside you. He was standing again, and had moved right by your side without you even noticing. In your state of horror, you'd almost forgotten he was there. But now he was close enough that you could still feel the heat off of his body, and a small sense of comfort washed over you. "I informed her of your plan."

"Very good," Snoke nodded, his eyes narrowing, "But are you ready, Ren?" You glanced at Kylo out of the corner of your eye, desperate to watch his reaction. But he stayed still, looking almost completely unaffected except for a small twitch of his lip. 

"Yes," He said through gritted teeth, staring at the ground. "I'm am."

"Hm." Snoke huffed, shifting in his throne and sitting forward, leaning his torso towards the two of you. "I'm not sure that I'm entirely convinced." To your absolute horror, Snoke's body lurched upwards, his legs extending and lifting him out of the seat. He stood quickly to his true height, towering over even Kylo by several feet as his floor-length robe swayed around his legs. With long, slow strides, he made his way down the tilted floor, stopping at the base of the throne. He paused there for a moment, his gaze flicking between you and Kylo. He began to move closer again, shifting towards Kylo and stopping in front of him. With a grimace and a flick of his wrist, Kylo kneeled down again, bowing his head in obedience, his hands resting on his knee. Snoke towered above him, a look of distain on his crippled face. "Young Solo..." Snoke's voice trickled out of his mouth like flowing lava, "This will be the biggest test you've yet to face." Kylo's shoulders tensed as he spoke his last name, and you watched as his fists clenched tightly. His hair blocked his face, but you didn't need to see his expression. You already knew what he was thinking. "You must convince them that you've turned." Snoke continued, "That you've come back home." As he spoke the words he began to laugh, his whole body shaking as he chuckled. You glared at him, anger boiling in your blood. Your mind flashed to Leia, and the feeling of guilt returned, making your stomach drop to the floor. You wanted to kill Snoke--to make him suffer for what he was doing to her. To the Resistance. To you. To Kylo. You imagined him leaping up and driving his saber through Snoke's abdomen, the smell of burning flesh filling the room as he toppled to the ground with a satisfying smack. You were snapped out of your daydream as he spoke again. "Can you make them believe you?"

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